December 8, 2024: The Light of Peace

Mark 5:24-34; Philippians 4:6-9

The Light of Peace

Mike Giesenhagen

December 8, 2024

Genesis 1; Mark 5:24-34; Philippians 4:6-9

1.   God Brings _______________ to _______________.

2.   God Brings _______________ to the _______________.

3.   God Brings ________________ to __________________.


1.   Ice Breaker: What are some of the best parts of the Advent season? What are some of the hardest parts of the Advent season?

2.   How does creation demonstrate God’s peace?

3.   How does God respond to the fullness of his creation? What can we learn from this?

4.   How does the story of the bleeding woman in Mark 5 demonstrate the peace we have in Christ?

5.   What is the connection between the “peace that transcends all understanding” and the list of attributes that immediately follows it in Philippians 4:7-8?

6.   How can we be reminded of God’s peace this Christmas?

7.   What is one thing you can do to cling to God’s perfect peace this December?