December 15, 2024: The Light of Joy

Matthew 5:1-16

The Light of Joy

Mike Giesenhagen

December 15, 2024

Matthew 5:1-16

1.   ___________ is an ___________________ ____________.

2.   ____________ is Our __________________ for ________.

3.   _______________ Completes Our __________________.


1.   Ice Breaker: What is joy? How is it related to happiness? What does it mean to rejoice?

2.   How do you understand the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12? What about them have you found helpful? What is challenging?

3.   Who is the primary actor in the Beatitudes? Who is the recipient of the action?

4.   How do the Beatitudes connect to the rest of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7?

5.   How does Christ influence our joy? What attributes of God affirm our joyfulness?

6.   What does joy look like in the hard seasons of life? How has God helped you “take joy” in times of trouble?