Pastor Mike Giesenhagen
1 John 4:7-15
The Light of Love
Mike Giesenhagen
December 22, 2024
1 John 4:7-16
1. _____________________ God’s Love
2. _____________________ God’s Love
3. _____________________ God’s Love
4. _____________________ God’s Love
1. Ice Breaker: How would you define love? How did you come to this definition?
2. What does it suggest if one of God’s primary attributes is love?
3. What could make it difficult to believe that God is, at His core, loving?
4. What does it look like to receive love from someone?
5. What could make it difficult to receive love from God?
6. How are we called to love others?
7. What could make it difficult to love others?
8. How are we instructed to love God in this passage?
9. Prayer Project: Which of these aspects of love is most challenging for you right now? Who has God called you to love in this season?