Acts 17:1-15
Reigning Over Religion
Mike Giesenhagen
January 22, 2023
Acts 17:1-15, 1 Thess 2:13-16, Romans 2-3
1. ____________________ ≠ _____________________.
2. The Gospel is for ________ ___________ __________.
3. The ________________ > The _______________.
1. Reflection in Acts: Who have been the most common opponents to the apostles in Acts? Why have they opposed the apostles as they proclaim the Gospel?
2. What is the biggest disagreement that these opponents have toward the Gospel?
3. If you were to summarize Christianity as quickly as possible, how would you describe it? Try to keep it less than 5 sentences.
4. Why do you think there was so much distance between the Jews and Gentiles in the book of Acts? What groups of people behave in similar ways today?
5. What does it mean when we say that we are saved by Christ alone?