Acts 16
The Great Escape
Mike Giesenhagen
January 15, 2023
Acts 16:16-40
1. God is Greater than ___________ ________________.
2. God is Greater than ___________ ________________.
3. God is Greater than __________ _________________.
1. Have you ever been in trouble when you didn’t do anything wrong? What did that feel like? How did you respond?
2. Why is it important to understand the nature of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6)? What can Acts 16 teach us about spiritual warfare and Christ?
3. How does God’s presence interact with the Roman world in Acts 16? How can this encourage us in our faith today?
4. Who was set free by the earthquake? What does this teach us about God and his people?
5. Additional Study: Much of Acts 16 takes place in the city of Philippi. How might Paul’s experiences in Philippi influence his letter to them in the book of Philippians?
6. Prayer Project: Have you seen God bring any opportunities for you to live out his love? Who has He been bringing to mind for you?