January 2, 2022: Love God

Matthew 22:37-40 and Deuteronomy 5:1-6:5

Love God

Matthew 22:36-40; Deuteronomy 5:1-6:5

Mike Giesenhagen

January 2, 2022

1.   Make ______ Your _________ ________.

2.   ___________ Other _________________.

3.   _______ _______ and _______ His ____.

4.   Make ______________ _____ for _____.

 5.   Let ______ ________ ______!


 1.  When you hear, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength,” what comes to mind?  What would that look like?

 2.  What are some of the idols that can take God’s place in our lives?

 3.  What are some of the manmade distractions that can occupy our time and pull us away from God and his will?

 4.  What’s the best way to know God?  What does it mean to honor his name?  How do our actions and our behaviors contribute to this together?

 5.  What does it mean to take a Sabbath?  When was the last time you spent an extended intentional time with God?  What were some techniques or guidelines you followed?

 6.  Is it difficult for you to understand how God loves you?  How does it feel to think that you bring God joy and delight?  What might make that difficult to receive?