January 9, 2022: Love People

Love People

Matthew 22:36-40; Luke 10:25-37

Mike Giesenhagen

January 9, 2022

1.   Loving People is _______ ___________. 

2.   Loving People is ______________.

3.   Loving People is ________________.

4.   Loving People “___________  _____  _________________. 


 1.  Why does God command his people to “love one another” (John 13:34)?  Why is this so important in the family of God?

 2.  Read 1 Samuel 1-2.  What can this story about David teach us about loving people because God has created them?

 3.  Have you ever received love from someone who put your needs above their own?  Who was it?  And what did they do?

 4.  What might it look like for a Christian to put the needs of another above their own?  How can we love people like Christ does in our own lives?

 5. Who is our “neighbor”?Who does God expect us to love in order to fulfill his command?Are there any specific people you feel like God is calling you to love in this season?