November 12, 2023: The GOAT

Daniel 8


Mike Giesenhagen

November 5, 2023

Daniel 8

1.  The Ram:

2.  The Goat with the Big Horn:

3.  The Little Horn:

4.  The Point:


  1. Where does Daniel receive this vision?  Who is Belshazzar (see Daniel 5)?

  2. Where is Susa?  And how is it different from Babylon?  What empire is Susa a part of?

  3. What’s the implied Good News of Daniel 8:9-12?  What has to happen before the “little horn” can persecute God’s people in the “Beautiful Land”?

  4. What makes this vision difficult to stomach?  What might lead to Daniel’s exhaustion in 8:29?

  5. Additional Study: Antiochus Epiphanes.  1 Maccabees 1-6 (Look it up on biblegateway.  While 1 Maccabees is not authoritative as Scripture, it can be helpful as a historical text) How does the story of Antiochus Epiphanes reflect what we see in Daniel 8?