November 5, 2023: Bad News - Good News

Daniel 7

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Bad News, Good News

Mike Giesenhagen

November 5, 2023

Daniel 7

1.  The Beasts are __________ _______________.

2.  God is the ________________ of ___________.

3.  God’s ________________ is ________________.

4.  ____________ is the ___________ of ___________.


  1. How did the imagery of the beasts and the horn affect Daniel?  How does it make you feel?  Why do you feel that way?

  2. What is discomforting about considering the beasts as a Christian today?  What are some of the telltale signs of the “little horn” in Daniel 7?

  3. What are some of the attributes of God demonstrated in Daniel 7?  How can these attributes be an encouragement to us today?

  4. What is the outcome of Daniel’s vision?  Who is victorious?  How was victory achieved?  What is the role of the Church in the victory?

  5. What is the end result for the holy people of the Most High?

  6. Additional Study: Son of Man.  Jesus gives himself the title “Son of Man” throughout the Gospels (especially Matthew).  How do Daniel 7 and the Son of Man passages demonstrate who Jesus is?  (e.g. Matt 9:6, 12:8, 16:27, 28:18)