John 13:1-17
Jesus Washes Feet
Mike Giesenhagen
September 15, 2024
John 13:1-17
The Context:
The Question:
The Answer:
The Reframing:
The Teaching:
1. What does the context of this story mean? What events are about to take place in Jesus’s ministry?
2. Whose feet did Jesus wash in John 13? Why is this surprising/not surprising?
3. Why did Peter object to having his feet washed by Jesus?
4. What does Jesus mean when he says, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”? What are the implications here? (Note: this comment is not specifically talking about foot washing, but points forward to the cross)
5. What is the implication of the continued washing of the feet in verse 10?
6. What is the purpose of the teaching in verses 12-17? What is Jesus calling his disciples to emulate?