September 8, 2024: Serving the Body

1 Corinthians 12

Pastor Mike Giesenhangen

Serving the Body

Mike Giesenhagen

September 8, 2024

1 Corinthians 12

1.  ________________ is Called to ___________.

2.  The __________ We __________ Are _____________.

3.  Every _____________ is ____________________.

4.  We ________ ____________ for __________ _______.


1.   According to 1 Corinthians 12, who is called to serve?  What exclusions are made?

2.   What types of service are mentioned in 1 Cor 12?  What types of ministries do we have at HEFC?

3.   What talents or skills might God use to benefit his Church?

4.   Are there any other ways you might be willing to serve the people of God’s Church?

5.   How has God worked through you in the past, whether inside or outside the church?

Prayer Project: Are there any specific obstacles that are preventing you from getting involved?  If so, what would it take for God to overcome those obstacles?