Romans 8:1-17
It's not supposed to be this way.
Romans 7:7-24
The Genius of Jesus
This morning, we study the Parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:25-37.
____________ the ______________
Love ________. Love ____________
It’s __________ to ____________________.
Love Requires ____________________.
Love without ________________.
Search the Scriptures
Love God. Love People
It’s Easy to Rationalize
Love Requires Sacrifice
Love without Limits
Disciples Are All In
Today, we study Luke 9:51-62. Jesus has a series of conversations on the way toward Jerusalem.
Discipleship __________ ___________.
Disciples _______________ _____________.
Disciples are _______________ with ___________.
Disciples Are ____________ on the ____________.
Discipleship Isn’t Easy
Disciples Prioritize Jesus
Disciples are Present with Jesus
Disciples are Focused on the Cross.
Disciples Aren't Perfect
This morning we study Luke 9:37-50, when the disciples make a series of mistakes in their early ministry.
Notes for Study:
Jesus is _______________ than _______
Sometimes Disciples Lack ___________________.
Sometimes Disciples Lack ___________________.
Sometimes Disciples Lack ___________________.
Disciples Aren’t ____________, but ____________ __________.
Jesus is Greater than Us
Sometimes Disciples Lack Understanding
Sometimes Disciples Lack Humility
Sometimes Disciples Lack Perspective
Disciples Aren’t Perfect, but Jesus Is.
Disciples Have a Testimony
This morning, we study the Transfiguration account from Luke chapter 9:28-36. I have also included a video from my friend Ben Malcolmson as the full version of the testimony shared at the end of the message.
Here is the Outline:
Jesus is __________ ____________ _______.
Jesus has _______ ____________.
Jesus ____________ Us to ___________.
Questions to Ponder:
Why are you convinced that Jesus is, indeed, the Messiah? OR What would it take for you to be convinced?
What is it about Jesus that makes him unique?
What story and experiences has God given you to affirm you and encourage you to share with the people you encounter?
Jesus is God’s Chosen One
Jesus Has No Equal
Jesus Calls Us to Go.
Disciples Put Jesus First
Today, we study Luke 9:18-27. Jesus asks the disciples about who he is and then describes what it means to follow him.
Jesus ___________ ___________ to __________ ___________.
Disciples __________ ____________ ____________.
Disciples ___________ ___________ _________________.
Disciples ____________ ______________ in ________________.
Disciples _____________ with ________________.
Jesus Wants Us to Know Him
Disciples Put Jesus First
Disciples Give Jesus Control
Disciples Find Value in Jesus
Disciples Identify with Jesus
Disciples are Ready for Anything
This morning, we study Luke 9:10-17. It’s a very well known miracle of the feeding of the 5,000, but it can teach us about who Jesus is and how he relates to his people.
Jesus _________________ Those Who __________ Him
Disciples Bring Their _______________ to ___________.
Jesus ______________ through His ___________________.
Jesus ______________ more than We ____________.
Jesus Welcomes Those Who Seek Him
Disciples Bring Their Concerns to Jesus
Jesus Works Through His Disciples
Jesus Provides More Than We Need
Disciples Will GO
The audio this morning starts in an odd place, as we were part way through the announcements. Unfortunately, this may be a little odd to listen to for a minute or two.
This morning, we return to our study of the book of Luke. We study Luke 9:1-9 as part of a series about Describing Disciples.
Disciples bring a ______________ and a ________________.
Disciples _______________ ___________________.
Disciples _________________ on ____________.
The ______________ are in ____________ ______________.
Disciples bring a message and a ministry.
Disciples develop relationships
Disciples depend on Jesus
The Results are in Christ’s Hands.
Overcoming Disagreements
This morning, we will be studying Romans chapter 14, where Paul writes to the church in Rome about some significant disagreements. We have also included our church announcements and time of communion during the service.
Here is a brief outline for the message:
The History of the Church in Rome
3 Dividing Points between Jews and Gentiles in Rome
Prioritize ___________ over ________________.
Reserve _____________ for __________.
Consider the ____________ of _____________.
Seek ________ First, Love _________ Second
Next week, we will resume our study in the book of Luke!
Looking Upward
This morning, we will be studying 6 Steps to Walking in Unity from Colossians 3.
Step 1: _______________ _______________
Step 2: ___________ ______ ___________________
Step 3: __________ ____________ _________
Step 4: ___________ ______________
Step 5: __________ ____ ____________
Step 6: __________ _______ ______________
Questions for Reflection:
In step 3, we discussed a list of indulgences that people may struggle with. Which of these is most natural for you? Which is the greatest struggle?
In step 4, we discussed some relational struggles people may give in to. Which is easiest to avoid? Which is the most difficult for you?
In step 5, we discussed some positive hallmarks of the Christian community. Which of these comes to you most easily? Which is most difficult for you?
Nothing Can Separate
This morning, we will study Romans 8:18-39. We will talk about how God works in challenging times, how he strengthens us, how he shapes us, and how he secures us. We will also point to the hope that we have in the midst of challenging seasons of life.
Questions for Reflection:
How has the Spirit been strengthening you in this season? What has he revealed to you in your life? What has he revealed to you in the Scriptures?
How has God been shaping you in this season? What are the enjoyable ways he has provided for you? What have been some of the more challenging parts of growing in this season?
How has Jesus secured you in this season? What are the things in your life that have been trying to pull you away from God? How can our assurance in Christ help with those things?
Fighting for Unity
Today, we study from Ephesians 4:1-6. The apostle Paul urges Christians to “live a life worthy of their calling,” and what this means is that they maintain unity in Christ.
Here are some discussion questions to consider from this passage of Scripture:
Where else do we see the Scriptures emphasize unity among God’s people? What does unity look like among God’s people?
What does it mean to “be completely humble and gentle”? What would be a good example of this?
Can you remember a time where you benefit from patience? What does the Bible teach us about patience?
What does it look like to “bear with one another in love?
How can we “make every effort” to advocate for unity among God’s people? What does that look like?
Persevering in Faith
Today, we study in Luke 8:40-56. This passage highlights two miracles of Christ.
Here are some discussion questions for today’s passage:
What does this passage show us about God’s character through Christ?
What can we learn about God’s family through the differences in the people that we see in this passage?
Have you ever had a time where God asked you to trust him completely to finish the work that he had begun? What was the situation? How did God help you through it?
Finding Our Focus
This morning, we will study the passage of a miraculous deliverance that takes place near the Sea of Galilee. This passage can be found in Luke 8:26-39.
If you would like to continue thinking about this passage, here are some study questions to help you in your study.
What characteristics of God do you see on display in Jesus in this passage? What does this passage tell us about God’s character? What part of the story demonstrates these characteristics?
The pigs in the story likely distract the people from focusing on Christ? They’re distractions. What kinds of things do we see today that are similar types of distractions? (Keep in mind that they may be significant or difficult things, too)
How can this passage encourage us in this season of turmoil? How can it comfort us?
What does this passage stir up in you regarding your relationship to Christ?
Parallel Passages: Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20
Weathering the Storm
Today, we study the passage of Luke 8:22-25.
In lieu of sermon notes, I urge you to take some time to pray for the situation in which we are living. Pray for God’s help and healing. Pray for his mercy and grace upon his people and our land. Pray for his provision.
And I would encourage you to pray with others, or out loud, as much as possible. God hears our prayers!
Cultivating Christ
Today, we continue our study in Luke 8:1-21. We will study a well-known and important parable. It’s the Parable of the Four Soils.
Here are some notes to follow along:
Parables have a ______________.
The ___________ is for _____________ ______________.
The ______________ is ____________________.
Two Applications: ___________________ and _____________________.
Signs and Solutions:
The Path
Rocky Soil
Thorny Soil
Good Soil
Beauty from Brokenness
This morning, we will study a fairly well-known passage from the book of Luke. It’s a passage where a woman washes the feet of Jesus with her tears and her hair. We’ll look at the passage in Luke 7:36-50, and we will see what we can learn from Jesus through it that can help us in the midst of this season. We will see how Jesus brings Beauty from Brokenness.
Here are a few points to follow along with:
Jesus Can Love _________________.
Our __________ is ____________________.
Moving from Brokenness to Beautiful
Recognize the ___________________ of our _______________.
_______________ Jesus
_____________ People Like _____________ Does
The Inevitable Victory of Christ
He is Risen!
Today we celebrate the Resurrection account, as it is told in the book of Matthew. We will focus on Matthew chapters 26-28. As we read this account, we will see how humanity did everything they could to harm Jesus in those final days, but He still rose victorious. And He’s alive today! He is Risen! Let us rejoice!
A Good Friday Reflection
On this Good Friday, I just wanted to share a few thoughts and reflections that I gathered from reading the Gospel accounts this week. In this reflection, I consider three things:
Jesus Went Willingly to the Cross
Creation Responded to What Happened at the Cross
Christ’s Blood Paid Our Penalty
I hope this message finds you well as you reflect on Christ’s sacrifice today.