Join the Elders for our Monthly Prayer Time on Sunday, September 15th after the worship service. We will pray for our church, our community, our country and a special prayer focus on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
HEFC will have a booth at the "Belonging Begins with Us" event Sunday, September 15th, 1-3pm at the Masonic West River Park. We are looking for 4-6+ volunteers to sit at our booth, hand out popcorn and other treats, bubbles for the kids, HEFC flyers and Gospels of John. Contact Ann B if you can help out.
We will be having a HEFC Membership Class in September. Contact the church office or Pastor Mike if you are interested so dates/times can be arranged.
There is a flyer available for Fall 2024 Small Groups. Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.
The Missions and Outreach Team would like to suggest the formation of a work group to plan events to honor 25 years of HEFC. In April 2000 HEFC held their first public worship service. We would like to honor the legacy of our local body through service, celebration and stories. The hope is to have a series of events, and we need a group of people committed to making this a reality. If you are interested in being part of this work group, please contact Amanda D.