September 8th Announcements

  • Join the Elders for our Monthly Prayer Time on Sunday, September 15th after the worship service.  We will pray for our church, our community, our country and a special prayer focus on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

  • HEFC will have a booth at the "Belonging Begins with Us" event Sunday, September 15th, 1-3pm at the Masonic West River Park. We are looking for 4-6+ volunteers to sit at our booth, hand out popcorn and other treats, bubbles for the kids, HEFC flyers and Gospels of John. Contact Ann B if you can help out.

  • We will be having a HEFC Membership Class in September.  Contact the church office or Pastor Mike if you are interested so dates/times can be arranged.

  • There is a flyer available for Fall 2024 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.

  • The Missions and Outreach Team would like to suggest the formation of a work group to plan events to honor 25 years of HEFC. In April 2000 HEFC held their first public worship service. We would like to honor the legacy of our local body through service, celebration and stories. The hope is to have a series of events, and we need a group of people committed to making this a reality. If you are interested in being part of this work group, please contact Amanda D.

September 1st Announcements

  • Come to Library Square on September 5th from 6-7pm for "One Voice - A Hutchinson Community Worship Night" lead by Hutchinson Area Worship Leaders.  An offering will be taken for Common Cup Ministries.

  • Involvement Sunday will be on September 8th!  Learn about our HEFC ministries and how you can be involved!  We will also share a Fellowship Meal together. Please sign up on the clipboard for an item to bring.

  • We will be having a HEFC Membership Class in September.  Contact the church office or Pastor Mike if you are interested so dates/times can be arranged.

  • On Sunday, 9/15, from 1-3 PM, HEFC will have a booth at the "Belonging Begins with Us" event that is being hosted by the McLeod County Health and Human Services, along with the Southwest Initiative Foundation as a way to help strengthen a community-wide sense of belonging in Hutchinson and the surrounding areas.  We want to show attendees that this is even more true at HEFC as we extend God's Love to our church community and beyond!  We'd like to have 4-6+ volunteers help us that day to sit at our booth, hand out popcorn and other treats, bubbles for the kids, and have HEFC flyers and Gospels of John available to hand out too.  We'd also love to have any/all of you just stop by for 5-10 min. that afternoon and show all the other attendees how much fun we are at HEFC!!  Most of all, we invite HEFC to be in prayer for those that do stop by, for opportunities to share the love of Christ in tangible ways and to have meaningful conversation.

  • There is a NEW flyer available for Fall 2024 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.

  • Copies of the Our Daily Bread devotional for September/October/November are available in the Worship Center foyer and the Church Office.

August 18th Announcements

  • On Sunday, August 25th MN Adult & Teen Challenge Choir will be leading our worship service and sharing testimonies!  The service will not have a break so Children's Church dismissal (Pre-K - grade 2) will be toward the beginning of the service.

  • We will be having a HEFC Membership Class in September.  Contact the church office or Pastor Mike if you are interested so dates/times can be arranged.

  • Come to Library Square on September 5th from 6-7pm for "One Voice - A Hutchinson Community Worship Night" lead by Hutchinson Area Worship Leaders.  An offering will be taken for Common Cup Ministries.

  • Mark your calendars for our Involvement Sunday on September 8th!  Learn about our HEFC ministries and how you can be involved!  We will also share a Fellowship Meal together.  More details to come.

  • SAVE THE DATE - Sunday, Sept. 15, "Belonging Begins with Us" event - more details on the event and volunteering at the HEFC booth to follow.

  • A NEW Fall Small Group flyer is now available. Reach out to the contact if there is a group you are interested in joining.

August 11th Announcements

  • Starting on August 18th the Elders will lead a monthly prayer time on the 3rd Sunday of the month after the worship service.  We will pray for our church, our community, our country and a special prayer emphasis each month.

  • On Sunday, August 25th MN Adult & Teen Challenge Choir will be leading our worship service and sharing testimonies!  The service will not have a break so Children's Church dismissal (Pre-K - grade 2) will be toward the beginning of the service.

  • Are you able to lead/facilitate or host a small group this fall?  Please contact Pastor Mike or the church office by Friday, August 16th.

  • We will be having a HEFC Membership Class in September.  Contact the church office or Pastor Mike if you are interested so dates/times can be arranged.

August 4th Announcements

  • Starting on August 18th the Elders will lead a monthly prayer time on the 3rd Sunday of the month after the worship service.  We will pray for our church, our community, our country and a special prayer emphasis each month.

  • On Sunday, August 25th MN Adult & Teen Challenge Choir will be leading our worship service and sharing testimonies!  The service will not have a break so Children's Church dismissal will be toward the beginning of the service.

July 28th Announcements

  • Common Cup Back to School Supply Drive donations will be accepted until August 2nd.  HEFC has been assigned: 20 backpacks, small flash drives (16GB), red pens, crayons (24 count) and #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred).

  • The Red Cross will be holding a Bloodmobile at HEFC from 11am - 5pm on Friday, August 2nd in conjunction with the Stroll for Hope.

  • Starting on August 18th the Elders will lead a monthly prayer time on the 3rd Sunday of the month after the worship service.  We will pray for our church, our community, our country and a special prayer emphasis each month.

  • Please check your mail folders for a letter from our HEFC Care Deacon Team Leader to see how you can join the Care Team and help meet various needs of our church family.

  • Contact Isaac J if you would like more information about being a mentor for one of our youth.

July 21st Announcements

  • Last year we raised nearly $1,000 for HEFC Missions by manning the Cash Wise Brat Stand rather late in the season and on a rainy weekend.  This year we have a prime weekend, July 25-27, so we are excited to raise even more - BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Look for the sign-up sheets at church or call/text Ann B to volunteer!

  • The next Craft & Create Weekend will be July 26th 6pm - 10pm & July 27th 9am - 5pm. Ladies can bring their own beverage, snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies (Cutting mats, irons & ironing board provided).  To help with knowing how many tables to set up, please contact Carrie S if you plan to attend.  Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must!

  • Common Cup Back to School Supply Drive donations will be accepted until August 2nd.  HEFC has been assigned: 20 backpacks, small flash drives (16GB), red pens, crayons (24 count) and #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred).

  • Starting on August 18th the Elders will lead a prayer time on the 3rd Sunday of the month after the worship service.  We will pray for our church, our community, our country and a special prayer emphasis each month.

July 14th Announcements

  • A summer Women's Thursday Morning Small Group will be starting on July 18th with fellowship from 8:00 - 8:30 and study time 8:30-10:00 in the Gathering Room.  This 13 week study of "The Pilgrim's Progress" book (as little or as much homework as you would like) will be facilitated by Amanda D.  Contact Patti K if you are interested.

  • Join us for a short congregational meeting after the worship service on July 21st to receive a staffing update from our Elders.

  • Last year we raised nearly $1,000 for HEFC Missions by manning the Cash Wise Brat Stand rather late in the season and on a rainy weekend.  This year we have a prime weekend, July 25-27, so we are excited to raise even more - BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Look for the sign-up sheets at church or call/text Ann B to volunteer!

  • The next Craft & Create Weekend will be Friday, July 26th 6pm - 10pm & Saturday, July 27th 9am - 5pm. Ladies can bring their own beverage, snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies (Cutting mats, irons & ironing board provided).  To help with knowing how many tables to set up, please tell Carrie S if you plan to attend.  Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must!

July 7th Announcements

  • A summer Women's Thursday Morning Small Group will be starting on July 18th with fellowship from 8:00 - 8:30 and study time 8:30-10:00 in the Gathering Room.  This 13 week study of "The Pilgrim's Progress" book (as little or as much homework as you would like) will be facilitated by Amanda D.  Contact Patti K if you are interested.

  • Join us for a short congregational meeting after the worship service on July 21st to receive a staffing update from our Elders.

  • Last year we raised nearly $1,000 for HEFC Missions by manning the Cash Wise Brat Stand rather late in the season and on a rainy weekend.  This year we have a prime weekend, July 25-27, so we are excited to raise even more - BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Look for the sign-up sheets at church or call/text Ann B to volunteer!

  • The next Craft & Create Weekend will be July 26th 6pm - 10pm & July 27th 9am - 5pm. Ladies can bring their own beverage, snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies (Cutting mats, irons & ironing board provided).  To help with knowing how many tables to set up, please tell Carrie S if you plan to attend.  Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must!

June 30th Announcements

  • A summer Women's Thursday Morning Small Group will be starting on July 18th with fellowship from 8:00 - 8:30 and study time 8:30-10:00 in the Gathering Room.  This 13 week study of "The Pilgrim's Progress" book (as little or as much homework as you would like) will be facilitated by Amanda D.  Contact Patti K if you are interested.

  • The Gathering Room is now available at the beginning of the service for overflow seating to view the live stream until the children are dismissed for Children's Church. Please use the double glass doors between our two buildings.