March 27, 2022: Courageous Faith

The Book of Ruth: Chapter 3

Courageous Faith

Mike Giesenhagen

March 27, 2022

Ruth 3 

1.  Ruth was a ________ _______________. 

2.  Ruth Receives _______ _____________. 

3.  God’s Way is _________ than _______. 

4.  Courageous _________ ______ _______ 

a. Faith Takes __________. 

b. Faith Takes __________. 

c. God Can __________ ___________! 


 1.   Background: Read Genesis 19:30-38.  What does this passage teach us about the origins of the Moabite people?  What stigmas would such a beginning bring? 

2.   What parallels do you see between Genesis 19:30-38 and Ruth 3:2-8?  Why would this plan appeal to Naomi? 

3.   How does Ruth’s behavior differ than that of her ancestor, Lot’s daughter? 

4.   What is the result of Ruth’s faithfulness? 

5.   Ruth asks Boaz to step in as her kinsman-redeemer.  What does that mean?  Read Leviticus 25:25-55 for more information.

6. Do you think God is calling you to put your faith in action?Or to patiently wait on his provision?Who might he be calling you to care for?What might he be calling you to wait for?

March 20, 2022

A Faith Beyond…

Mike Giesenhagen

March 20, 2022

Ruth 2

1.  ______________ ____________ Goes

 Beyond _________________.

 2.  ______________ ____________ Goes

 Beyond _________________.

 3.  ______________ ____________ Goes

 Beyond _________________.


 1.   Conversation Starter: When was the last time you felt like an outsider?  Where were you?  How did it make you feel?  What helped you feel more included?

 2.   Ruth did not know Boaz or the culture of Bethlehem.  How do you think she felt gleaning in the fields?  How does her statement in Ruth 1:16-17 impact her behavior?

 3.   Have you ever had to put your life in the hands of a stranger?  What did that feel like?

 4.   Have you ever seen God’s providence at work in your life?  What other examples of his providence are evident in the Scripture?

5.   How does Boaz go above and beyond the call of obedience in Ruth 2?  Read Leviticus 19:9-10, 23:22, and Deuteronomy 24:17-22 to learn more about “gleaning”.

6.  How does Boaz’s response to Ruth foreshadow the love of Christ?How is it similar?How is it different?

March 6, 2022: Choosing Faithfulness

Ruth 1

Choosing Faithfulness

Mike Giesenhagen

March 6, 2022

Ruth 1 

1. The ________ ______ is _________ ______. 

2. Circumstances ________ Our _________. 

3. God ________  ___________ to 

 _______________  ___________. 

4. _________ Can _________ Your ________.


1.   Conversation Starter: When you hear about judges, what first comes to mind?  Does that change when you think about the biblical “Judges”? 

2.   Extra Study: Ruth takes place during the time of the Judges.  What does us tell us about life in the Promised Land at this time? 

3.   In the opening chapter of Ruth, we see Naomi brought low by a series of tragic events.  How does she respond?  What is good? 

4.   Ruth is noted as a Moabite.  What does this identity contribute to this narrative?  Consider texts like Deut 7:1-4, 23:3-6, Exodus 34:14-15.

5.   What is the most surprising thing that happens in this passage of the text?  What is the point or the lesson that we can learn from this moment?

6. How are Ruth and Naomi similar?How are they different?And how is God already using them together in this narrative?

February 27, 2022

A Love Story

Mike Giesenhagen

February 27, 2022

Ephesians 5:21-33

1. We are the __________ of ____________.

 2. God _________________  Us.

 3. God _________________  Us.

 4. God _________________  Us.

 5. ____________________ to God.


 1.   Conversation Starter: What has been the best thing you have read lately about God?  What has inspired you to contemplate him?

 2.   What comes to mind when you hear the “Bride of Christ”?  What does that imagery say about the Church?

 3.   How has God pursued you in your life?  It could be something as your family or a story of God working in unique ways.

 4.   How has God loved you in challenging times in your life?  How has he loved you when things are going well?

 5.   Prayerful Reflection: What, specifically, are some things God has saved you from?  What did he pay the price for?

 6.   What area(s) of your life might God desire your submission in?  Where has your attention been drawn away?

 7.   How can you reprioritize God as we look forward to Resurrection Sunday?

February 20, 2022: Multiply


Mike Giesenhagen

February 20, 2022

Luke 13:6-8

Discipleship Pathway:

 ____________. -> ____________. -> 

____________. -> ____________.

 1. Multiplication is __________ __________.

 2. Multiplication is __________ __________.

 3. God’s Kingdom is ___________________.

 4. God Desires ___________ in Us.


 1.   What happens to things that receive too much nourishment?  (e.g a person with too much food; a plant with too much water)

 2.   How do God’s people multiply in the Old Testament?  How do they multiply in the New Testament?

 3.   How are we blessed through God’s multiplication?

 4.   What’s the difference between an offensive and a defensive view of God’s kingdom?  How would these views affect the behavior of the Church?

 5.   How is God using the fruit of your life to plant seeds for others?

 6.   How is God using the fruit of your life to nourish and develop others?

 7.   Is there any fruit in your life that has grown stagnant or become unused?

February 13, 2022: Invest

Galatian2 6:1-10


Mike Giesenhagen

February 13, 2022

Galatians 6:1-10

Discipleship Pathway:

 ____________. -> ____________. -> 

____________. -> ____________.

 1. We Can’t ___________ _______.

 2.Investing  _____________  _____________.

 3. Invest in _________ __________________.

 4. Invest in _____________ ______________.


 1.   What is something that you have invested time or money into that has brought you joy?

 2.   How do our relationships with each other affect our ability to pursue God?  How might it help?  How can it be a hindrance?

3.   What do we normally mean when we say “you reap what you sow”?

4.   How can we know if we are investing our time, energy, and money wisely?

 5.   What is one thing that God might be leading you away from?  What is one area where He might lead you to invest more fully?

 6.   What is one relationship that you would like to see strengthened?  Who is someone you admire and could learn from?  Or who is someone you could encourage and support?

February 6, 2022: Connect


Mike Giesenhagen

February 6, 2022

Hebrews 10:23-25

Discipleship Pathway:

 ____________. -> ____________. -> 

____________. -> ____________.

 1. Connection _______  ____ ___________.

 2.Connection ___________ _____ ________.

 3. Connection ___________ _____________.

 4. Connection _________ _____ _________.  


 1.   Who are some people who have been strong connections for you in your journey of faith?

 2.   When have you been motivated by someone to accomplish something?  What did they do to help motivate you?  What was accomplished?

 3.   How does relationship help us to motivate and encourage one another?

 4.   How does relationship alter our perspective on life?  Have you ever had your understanding shift because of a new relationship or friend?

 5.   Who do you know that has been a reliable source of support for you?  What would it look like to be reliable for one another with meaningful connections?

 6.   How can connected relationships help us with perseverance?

 7.   Extra Study: Look up “one another” verses in Scripture.  What are some themes you notice?  How should this inform our church community?

January 30, 2022


Mike Giesenhagen

January 30, 2022

Luke 15

Discipleship Pathway:

 ____________.-> ____________. -> 

____________. -> ____________.

 1. Explore is the ________ _______.

 2. A Healthy Church ___________ _______.

 3. We Have ____________ to ________.


 1.   What are some key steps in your personal story of faith?  When did you make important decisions for faith?  When did you grow most?

 2.   What is a discipleship pathway, and how does it relate to our mission to Help People Love God?

 3.   How can do outreach and discipleship work together in the church?

 4.   If you were to invite someone to our church, what would you emphasize to them?  What would you want them to know?

 5.   What do followers of Christ have that can never be taken away?

 6.   What do people apart from Christ have that will last forever?

 7.   Extra Study:  In John 10:11-18, what is the difference between the good shepherd and the hired hand?  How can we imitate Christ as the good shepherd?

January 23, 2022: Help People Love God

Help People Love God.

Mike Giesenhagen

January 23, 2022

Matthew 28:16-20 

Big Idea: _______  _______ is to _________


Caution: _______  ___________ Takes Time!

Step 1: _________  ________________.

Step 2:__________ to the ____________!

Step 3:____________  ________ of ________.





 Step 4:Remember ________  ____________!


 1.   Who is a mentor that has had a positive impact on your life?  How did your relationship begin?  Was there a time or circumstance that made it closer?  What did you learn from them, and how did they teach it to you?

 2.   What does it mean to “make disciples”?  Who does Jesus call to fulfill this mission?

 3.   What can 1 Corinthians 3:6 tell us about the discipleship process?

 4.   How is baptism significant in the discipleship process?  What does it mean in the life of the Christian?

 5.   Who have you known that had a contagious passion about something?  What were they passionate about?  How did their passion impact you (if at all)?

 6.   Which part of “teaching” seems most natural for you?  Which is the most difficult?

 7.   What is significant about Christ’s presence with us until the end of the age?

January 9, 2022: Love People

Love People

Matthew 22:36-40; Luke 10:25-37

Mike Giesenhagen

January 9, 2022

1.   Loving People is _______ ___________. 

2.   Loving People is ______________.

3.   Loving People is ________________.

4.   Loving People “___________  _____  _________________. 


 1.  Why does God command his people to “love one another” (John 13:34)?  Why is this so important in the family of God?

 2.  Read 1 Samuel 1-2.  What can this story about David teach us about loving people because God has created them?

 3.  Have you ever received love from someone who put your needs above their own?  Who was it?  And what did they do?

 4.  What might it look like for a Christian to put the needs of another above their own?  How can we love people like Christ does in our own lives?

 5. Who is our “neighbor”?Who does God expect us to love in order to fulfill his command?Are there any specific people you feel like God is calling you to love in this season?

January 2, 2022: Love God

Matthew 22:37-40 and Deuteronomy 5:1-6:5

Love God

Matthew 22:36-40; Deuteronomy 5:1-6:5

Mike Giesenhagen

January 2, 2022

1.   Make ______ Your _________ ________.

2.   ___________ Other _________________.

3.   _______ _______ and _______ His ____.

4.   Make ______________ _____ for _____.

 5.   Let ______ ________ ______!


 1.  When you hear, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength,” what comes to mind?  What would that look like?

 2.  What are some of the idols that can take God’s place in our lives?

 3.  What are some of the manmade distractions that can occupy our time and pull us away from God and his will?

 4.  What’s the best way to know God?  What does it mean to honor his name?  How do our actions and our behaviors contribute to this together?

 5.  What does it mean to take a Sabbath?  When was the last time you spent an extended intentional time with God?  What were some techniques or guidelines you followed?

 6.  Is it difficult for you to understand how God loves you?  How does it feel to think that you bring God joy and delight?  What might make that difficult to receive?

December 26, 2021: Good News Gone Bad

Good News Gone Bad

Mike Giesenhagen

December 26, 2021

1.   Herod ___________ the Good News.

2.   Herod ___________ the Good News.

3.   Herod ___________ the Good News.

4.   Herod ___________ the Good News.

5.   We Can ___________ the Good News!

6.   God’s Will _________ Be ___________!


 1.  How would you communicate the Good News of the Gospel to someone?  What are the most important points to emphasize?

 2.  Why is Herod so upset about the news?  What areas of our lives might be difficult to turn over to Christ?

 3.  Herod’s violent actions are hard to comprehend.  How can that be reconciled with an understanding of the Bible and God’s goodness?

 4.  What can we learn from the Magi in this story?  What can we learn from the example of Herod?

 5.  What does it mean to receive the Gospel?  What obstacles or mental hurdles might make that difficult for someone to do that?

 6.  How do we see God working in this passage?  What encouragement can we draw from that?