August 8, 2023: Reconciling Community


Reconciling Community

Mike Giesenhagen

August 6, 2023


 1.  Reconciliation is a __________, Yet _________ Pursuit.

 The Cost for Paul:  _______________

 The Cost for Philemon: ________________

 The Cost for Onesimus: ________________

 2.  Reconciliation May Include _______________.

 3.  Reconciliation Must Include ________________.


 1.   Have you ever had a relationship that was strained?  Who was it with?  What caused the strain?  How did it resolve?

 2.   Have you ever had to sacrifice on the behalf of someone else?  Or have you received the benefit from someone else’s sacrifice?  What happened?

 3.   Sometimes we say we need to “be the bigger person” when in conflict with someone else.  How does this demonstrate the sacrifice and forgiveness needed for reconciliation?

 4.   Have you ever had to ask someone for their forgiveness for a wrong that you had committed?  How did that go?

 5.   What does the Gospel teach us about God’s response when we ask for his forgiveness?

 6.   Have you ever had to forgive someone for something seemingly unforgiveable?  How did God help you through that process?

July 30, 2023: Helping People Love God

Helping People Love God

Mike Giesenhagen

July 30, 2023

Colossians 4:2-18

 1.  _______________ is __________________.

 2.  ___________________ the ________________.

 Step 1:

 Step 2:

 Step 3:

 Step 4:

 3.  Be _____________ and ________________.

 4.  Find Your ___________.

 5.  Find Your _____________________.


 1.   What does your prayer life look like?  How is it going well?  What is one way you would like to grow in this area?

 2.   How well prepared are you to share the Gospel?  If someone were to ask you what it means to be a Christian, what would you tell them?  How would you support your position?

 3.   What does it mean for your conversations to be “full of grace”?  How do you view interactions with people beyond the Church?  How well prepared are you to talk about Christ with them?

 4.   The members of the early Church served one another in a variety of ways.  How are you currently serving the body of Christ?  What gifts or talents could you use to serve the Church?

 5.   The members of the early Church were a close knit community.  How are you engaged in meaningful community with other Christian brothers and sisters?  Where do you connect?

July 16, 2023: Reality Meets Reality

Col 3:1-7

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Reality Meets Reality

Mike Giesenhagen

July 16, 2023

Colossians 3:1-17

 1.  Christ ______________ Our __________________.

 a.  The Work of ______________ is ____________.

 b.  The Promise of _____________ is __________.

 2.  We Are __________ _________ in ______________.

 a.  _______ _________ the _______ _________.

 b.  This is For _________ ________ _______.

 c.  Be ____________ in the _________ of ______.

 3.  Christ __________ Us __________________.


 1.   How can Christians be confident in the Assurance of Salvation?  What Scriptures support this doctrine?

 2.   How much of our sin was forgiven on the cross?  How do we know?  Is this a simple or difficult thing for us to understand?

 3.   What is the purpose of turning away from our sinful ways?  Who does it benefit, and how?

 4.   What is the significance of Paul’s instruction to “rid yourselves of all such things as these”?  What does the word “yourselves” add to this command?

 5.   What is the purpose of “setting our minds on things above”?  How does that help us in our pursuit of Christ (consider also Galatians 5:16)

 6.   This passage begins and ends with a reminder of Christ (3:1-4, 15-17).  How can this help us as we relate to our brothers and sisters in the Church?

July 9, 2023: Christ Over Culture

Colossians 2:16-23

Christ Over Culture

Mike Giesenhagen

July 9, 2023

Colossians 2:16-23

 1.  ___________ __________ in __________ __________.

 2.  ________ _________  >  ______ _________________.

 3.  Check Your ___________________ to ___________.


 1.   Why does the author, Paul, begin his defense against false teaching by affirming the Colossians’ identity in Christ?

 2.   What is the significance of circumcision, food laws, festivals, and Sabbath to the early church?  How have these been addressed in the New Testament?  See: Acts 15, Romans 14, Gal 5:1-12

 3.   What is the difference between “shadow” and “substance”?  How does a shadow and its origin work together?

 4.   How should we, as Christians, perceive grace and obedience?  How do these work together in our lives?

 5.   How might we, as Christians, be prone to similar mistakes as the false teachers of Colossians 2?  How can we avoid repeating their mistake?

June 25, 2023: Dealing with False Teaching

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Col 2:6-23

Fullness in Christ

Mike Giesenhagen

June 25, 2023

Colossians 2:6-15

1.  ______________ Comes Back to ___________.

 2.  Beware _________ and _________  _____________.

 3.  Consider the ____________.

 4.  __________ is Our ___________  _______________.

 5.  Christ’s _____________ is Our __________ ________


 1.   Paul indicates that the Colossians should be rooted, built up in, and established in Christ.  What do these verbs tell us about our standing in Christ?

 2.   What are some “hollow and deceptive philosophies” we see in our world today?  Why are these things appealing to us as people?

 3.   Additional Study: Mark 7:1-23.  Jesus speaks against the “human traditions” of the Pharisees.  How do we see this kind of hollow and deceptive philosophy in our world today?

 4.   Colossians 2:10 tells us we are “full” in Christ and that he is the head over all powers and authorities.  How can this bring encouragement to us as followers of Christ?

 5.   Which of the images in Colossians 2:11-15 (circumcision, burial, resurrection, made alive, forgiven, victorious) is most encouraging to you?  Which one is most difficult for you?

June 18, 2023: Maturity in Christ

From Col 1:24-2:7 by Niel Schindler

Accepting Agony in Announcing Christ

Neil Schindler

June 18, 2023

Colossians 1:24 – 2:7

 Paul’s motivation in his labors: “Filling up Christ’s afflictions” (v24)

What does it look like to “rejoice in sufferings?”

 What might be classified as “lacking” in Christ’s sufferings?

 Why Paul eagerly embraces affliction: to fulfill God’s word! (v25-27)

 What is the goal of agonizing over gospel labors? (v28-29)

The goal: Announcing Christ to make others more mature in him

 The two-fold means of proclamation: Teaching and warning

 Undergoing agony willingly—our will + Jesus’ energy

 Three goals motivating our “gospel agonies” for others (v1-7)

 Application for fathers, not-yet-fathers, and never-to-be-fathers


 1.   What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or difficult?  Explain.

June 11, 2023: Sin and Justification

Savior Vs. Sin

Mike Giesenhagen

June 11, 2023

Colossians 1:19-23

 Today’s Question:  Are People Generally Good?

 1.  Sin _________________ Us from _____________

 A.  We’re ______________ by _____________

 B.  We’re ______________ by _____________

 2.  Christ _______________ Us to _____________.

 A.  We Are ________________ by ________________

 B.  We Are ________________ to ________________

 3.  ___________ ___________ in ____________________

 One View: The ____________ Button

           The Problem:

 Another View: The __________  ____________

           The Problem:


 1.   Are people born generally good?  Generally bad?  Or somewhere in between?  Why do you think that’s true?

 2.   How has sin affected each of us?  What are some of the ways we see the effects of sin in our world?

 3.   How do our thoughts and reflections reflect the sins of our hearts?  In what ways might a person be tempted to sin against God?

 4.   What is the purpose of Christ’s redeeming work on the cross?  What has it done for us positionally before God?  What has it done for us relationally with God?

 5.   When you hear the word “sanctification”, what comes to mind?  What is the purpose of sanctification? How is it related to or different from maturity?

 6.   Is it possible for a person to live without sin?  Why or why not?

June 4, 2023: The Supremacy of Christ

From Col 1:15-23

The One We Worship

Mike Giesenhagen

June 4, 2023

Colossians 1:15-20

 Today’s Question:  Who is Jesus Christ?

 1.  Christ is Fully __________________

 Related Doctrine:

 Related Heresies:

 -     ______________  and  ______________

 2.  Christ is Fully __________________

 Related Doctrine:

 Related Heresies:

 -     ______________  and  ______________

 3.  Christ is Fully __________________

 Related Doctrine:

 Related Heresies:

 -     ______________ and _______________

 4.  Christ Has Full ____________________.

 Related Doctrine:


 1.   Why would it matter if Jesus was not fully God?  What difference would it make to the Christian faith?

 2.   Why would it matter if Jesus was not fully human?  What difference would it make to the Christian faith?

 3.   How does Christ reveal both his divinity and his humanity in the Gospels?  Give some examples of each.

 4.   How can Christ’s sovereignty be a comfort to Christians in today’s world?

 5.   Which heresy discussed this week do you think is most common today?  How do you see it expressed in the world around us?

May 28, 2023: Our Family in Christ

Colossians 1:1-14

Our Family in Christ

Mike Giesenhagen

May 28, 2023

Colossians 1:1-14

Themes in Colossians:




1.  Our ______________ is in _____________.

 2.  Our “____________” ________________ Matter.

 3.  We Ought to _______________ One Another.


 1.   Additional Study: Read through Colossians in a single sitting.  What themes do you notice in the text?  What seems to be the focus of the letter?

 2.   Why does Paul emphasize the name of Christ so much in this letter?  What does this tell us about how we relate to one another?

 3.   Who is someone that has impacted your faith in a positive way?  How did they impact you?  Have you thanked them for their impact in your life?

 4.   How do you think people would speak about your faith in Christ?  What would be the words they would use to describe your faith?  What would you like them to see?

 5.   How often do you pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ?  What do those prayers sound like?  How can we learn from Paul’s example in Colossians 1 regarding prayer for each other?

May 21, 2023: The Ministry of Presence

Acts 28

The Ministry of Presence

Mike Giesenhagen

May 21, 2023

Acts 28 

1.  The Ministry of _____________________.

2.  The Ministry of _____________________.

3.  The Ministry of _____________________.

4.  The Ministry of _____________________.


 1.   Ice Breaker: What types of things distract you from being fully “present” with the people around you?  How do they receive your distracted presence?

 2.   How have you been encouraged by someone who served you in a meaningful way?  What did they do?  How did you respond?

 3.   How have you seen God answer prayers in your life?  How has someone else’s prayer benefited you?  How has God answered your prayers for someone else?

 4.   Have you ever been encouraged by someone just because they “showed up”?  Who was it?  And why was it so significant that they were present with you?

 5.   Have you ever had the opportunity to share Christ with someone in need?  How did they respond?  How did you know it was the right time to speak?

May 14, 2023: Taking Heart While Navigating God's Means

Pastor Neil Schindler

Taking Heart While Navigating God’s Means

Neil Schindler

May 14, 2023

Acts 27

Tracing back God’s will in Paul’s long-awaited journey to Rome

  Paul’s two messages about the sea voyage to Rome

Paul’s rational “premonition” and why it was ignored (v1-12)

 A 2nd warning à a hopeful message based on God’s “ends” (v21-26)

  Responding to various threats to God’s will by practical “means”

1) The storm (physical nature; v13-20)

 2) Self-centered sailors (uncaring people; v27-32)

 3) Suspenseful fear and lack of strength (psychological; v33-38)

 4) Soldiers fearing accountability (attacking people; v39-44)

  Practical navigation of potential threats to God’s will in our lives

Two general examples of applying “means” instead of just waiting

Four Scriptural “means” of trust in countering threats to God’s will


 1.   What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or difficult?  Explain.

May 7, 2023: Call and Response

Acts 26:20

Call And Response

Mike Giesenhagen

May 7, 2023

Acts 26:20

 The Christian “Two-Step”



 Key Question: Why Does Our _______________ Matter?

  A.  It’s Our _____________ ________________.

 B.  It ______________ Us.

 C. We Are ___________ __________________.


 1.   Why does the order matter in the Christian “Two-Step”?  What would happen if the order was switched?  How would that change the Gospel?

 2.   What makes it so hard for us to do the “right” thing?  Why is obedience so hard for us?  What makes it harder for some than others?

 3.   Have you ever received a noteworthy act of love from someone else?  What happened?  What was your response?

 4.   What does it mean that we have two natures at work within us (Spirit and flesh)?  How does that impact our behavior?

 5.   Additional Study: Galatians 5:17-21.  Imagine the deeds of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit are plants in your garden?  Which one would be better to water?  Why?

 6.   What do people learn about Christ when they meet you?  What do you want them to learn about Christ when they spend time with you?

April 30, 2023: Our Firm Foundation

Acts 25 - 26

Our Firm Foundation

Mike Giesenhagen

April 30, 2023

Acts 25 & 26 

The Christian “Two-Step”



A.  Without Christ, Our ___________ is in __________

B.  Without Christ, Our ________ is ________________

C. Without Christ, Our____________ is _____________

D.  In Christ, We Have a ________ _________________


1.   Have you ever done something that has certain steps which must be followed in order?  What is the process?  Why does the order matter?

2.   What is it that makes someone a “Christian”?  How would you describe it to someone outside of the Church?

3.   What is the risk of trusting in our own knowledge and intuition?  What does the Bible teach us about this?

4.   What does the Bible teach us about authority apart from God?

5.   What does the Bible teach us about our own desires and intentions?  (e.g. Gen 6:5, Rom 1:28-32, Gal 5:19-21, etc.)

6.   Why is Christ a more reliable foundation for our faith?

April 23, 2023: The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

Mike Giesenhagen

April 23, 2023

Acts 23:12-24:27

 1.  Practice _______________________.

 2.  Endure with _________________________.

 3.  _____________ God.

 4.  ________________ His _______________.

 5.  ___________ on the Lord.


 1.   How do you react when you feel stuck in a difficult situation?  What would your friends or family say is your first response?

 2.   How can the difficult times in our lives deepen our relationship with God?  What behaviors and habits can be built in these seasons?

 3.   Is Paul more concerned with his own behaviors or the behaviors of others in Acts 24?  How can we apply this to our own relationship with Christ Jesus?

 4.   How do you continue to worship God when things are difficult?  What activities help you to remember and refocus on his goodness?

 5.   How do you profess hope in God when things are hard?  Is this a challenge for you?  Or does it come naturally?  How can you be reminded of his goodness?

 6.   Is it hard for you to wait for God to work?  What makes that difficult for you?  If you are “still”, what feelings stir up in you?

April 16, 2023: I Spoke Too Soon

Acts 22:30 - 23:11

I Spoke Too Soon

Mike Giesenhagen

April 16, 2023

Acts 22:21-23:11

 1.  The _______________ of __________________.

 2.  __________ is Our ________________  ___________

 3.  The __________ of Christ is ___________________

 Article 4: Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures. Jesus—Israel's promised Messiah—was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate.

 Article 5: The Work of Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, shed His blood on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins. His atoning death and victorious resurrection constitute the only ground for salvation.


 1.   Have you ever had a time where you spoke or acted too soon?  What did you do?  How did you find out you were wrong to act/speak that way?

 2.   Additional Study: Proverbs 20.  Which verses teach about waiting and taking time with God?  What other bible stories emphasize waiting on God?

 3.   Who is the central figure of the biblical story?  What do we need to know about who He is and what He has done for us?

 4.   How do the cross and Resurrection of Christ impact the Christian faith?  What is important about the cross?  What is important about the Resurrection?  How can these be an encouragement to us today?

The Ultimate Victory

Matthew 28:1-17

The Ultimate Victory

Mike Giesenhagen

April 9, 2023

Matthew 27:45-28:15

1.  God _____________ __________ on ______ _______

2.  God is _______________ over ______ and _______

3.  God’s __________ is __________ than our _______


1.   What’s your favorite part of the Resurrection story in the book of Matthew?  What word or phrase in the text stands out as you read it?

2.   What stands out to you about the characters in the story?  What do you notice about the Pharisees?  About Pilate and the Romans?  What about Jesus?

3.   What does the Resurrection teach us about who God is and what He is like?  What can be claimed as a result of the Resurrection that could not be claimed before?  (Consider 1 Cor 15, as additional reference)

4.   What does the Resurrection teach us about life in this world?  How can it affect the way we live in our current society and situation?

April 2, 2023: Sharing Our Story

Acts 21:37-22:21

Sharing Our Story

Mike Giesenhagen

April 2, 2023

Acts 21:37-22:30

 Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

One Final Reminder:


 1.   What was your life like before you knew Christ?  What is the “old” that has passed away in you (2 Cor 5:17)?  If you’ve been a Christian from a young age, what were you like before your faith became personal, or what is an area where God has changed you?

 2.   What was a point of inflection, or a “breaking point” in your faith with Christ?  What made you recognize your need for him?  What made you press further into him?

 3.   What was it that persuaded you to change direction and follow Christ more fervently?  What helped you to turn away from your previous patterns of living?

 4.   How has your life changed/transformed because of Christ?  Why is this a good thing?

 5.   Practice Your Story: Come up with a way to tell your story in various levels of detail.  1 minute long.  5 minutes long. 15 minutes long.  Practice sharing your story with a friend.