Nov 13, 2022: What About Disagreements?

Acts 15:1-41

Matthew 18:15-35

What About Disagreements?

Mike Giesenhagen

November 13, 2022

Acts 15 and Matthew 18:15-35

15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ d 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

-     Matthew 18:15-17

 1.  We Must __________________  _____________________.

 2.  We Must Understand God’s __________ for ________.

 a.  It’s __________ to ___________ _______________.

 b.  It’s ____________________ in the _____________.

 c.  We’re All  _____________ ___________________.

 3.  We Must _____________ the ________________.

 4.  We Must __________  _____________  ______________.

 5.  We Must _____________  ___________________.


 1.   When you have a disagreement with someone, how do you normally handle it?  How did your family handle disagreements and conflict as you were growing up?

 2.   What aspects of Matthew 18 do you see in Acts 15?  How does this biblical principle play out in this context?  What is the goal behind both of these chapters?

 3.   Why is it important to understand how God feels about unity, reconciliation, and his people?  How does this shape our approach when it comes to conflict within the Church?

 4.   Why is it important to keep the focus on the issue, rather than the opponent, in our conflict?

 5.   What is the significance of unity as we come out of conflict?  What do we do when we continue to disagree about the issue at hand?

 6. Read Genesis 3.What does this chapter of Scripture tell us about how difficult it will be to maintain unity with others?Would you say it is easy to stay unified or difficult?

Nov. 6, 2022

What about Repentance

Hello, World!

What About Repentance?

Mike Giesenhagen

November 4, 2022

Acts 15:1-21

1.  It Involves Our ____________ AND ________________.

 a.  God __________  our _____________.

 b.  We’re ___________  Toward  ___________.

 2.  Changed _________ Comes Out of _______  _______.

 3.  Repentance is to ________  __________________.


 1.   When you hear the word “repentance”, what comes to mind?  What does it mean?  What does it look like?

 2.   1 John 2:16 describes sin in three ways: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.  What are some examples of these things and how they might show up in our lives today?  (Add’l resources: Matt 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13)

 3.   What is the difference between a change of position and a change in direction?  How do these things work together in the Christian faith?

 4.   What is the difference between our changed behavior flowing out of God’s grace as opposed to leading to God’s grace?  Who does this imply is in control?

 5.   How do we benefit from the fruit of repentance in our lives?  What are the tangible positives?

Oct. 30, 2022: What About Law?

What About Law?

Mike Giesenhagen

October 30, 2022

Acts 15:1-21

1.  We Are _____________ by ______________.

 a.  God _____________ Gentiles Without _______.

 b.  God ____________ Gentiles Without _________.

 c.  __________ Successfully Follows ____________.

 d.  __________ Can Be for ________________.

 2.  Christ _______________ the ________.

 3.  _______________________________________________.


 1.   The Pharisees were passionate about food laws, Sabbath, and circumcision, and they wanted to add those requirements to the Gospel.  What are we tempted to add as requirements to the Gospel today?

 2.   Read Acts 10.  In verse 44, it says that “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message”?  What does this tell us about God changes hearts?  How does Peter interpret it in Acts 11:15-18 and Acts 15:7-11?

 3.   What is the difference between abolishing and fulfilling a law?  What implications would it have if the law were abolished?  What does it mean that Christ fulfilled it?  (Matt 5:17, Heb 10:9-10)

 4.   How should our understanding of the Law change in the world of the Resurrected Christ?  How should this affect our identity in Christ?  How should it impact the way we treat others?

Oct. 23, 2022: Tunnel Vision

Acts 14:1-27

Tunnel Vision

Mike Giesenhagen

October 23, 2022

Acts 14

1.  You Can’t ______________  ___________________.

 2.  Some Make It __________  ___________  ________.

 3.  _______________________ Will Be _______________.

 4.  But _______________ is ___________________.


 1.   Ice Breaker: What are some trivial things that still divide people (e.g. does pineapple belong on pizza)?  Why do you think people disagree so much?

 2.   Paul and Barnabas are hailed as gods in Acts 14 by the Gentiles.  How does the world at large view Christians today?

 3.   What are some Biblical examples of challenges Christians might face?  What are the sources of these frustrations?

 4.   How can we remind ourselves of Christ’s faithfulness and goodness?  When things get difficult, how can we remind one another to turn back to God?  What verses, songs, or materials have you found particularly helpful?

Oct. 16, 2022

Good News 101

Mike Giesenhagen

October 16, 2022

Acts 13:13-52

1.  Jesus ____  the __________ ____________!

 a.  Find _______________  ______________.

 b.  Share ___________  _____________.

 c.  Point to _________________.

 d.  Provide an _______________ to ____________.

 2.  Some People _______________ _______________.

 3.  Continue _____________ for __________________.


 1.   What is the Good News of Jesus Christ?  How would you explain it to a 5 year old?

 2.   If you believe in Jesus, why?  How did you come to the conclusion that faith in Jesus was worthy of your time and energy?  If not, what objections do you have?

 3.   What Scriptures would you use to explain the Good News of Jesus to other people?  Take a moment to explain to someone how that Scripture explains what Jesus has done for us.

 4.   How can someone respond to the Gospel?  If the Spirit convicts their heart, how sho

5.   Why would someone consider themselves “unworthy of eternal life”?  What does the Gospel tell us about this unfortunate condition?

 6. When Paul and Barnabas encounter opposition in Pisidian Antioch, how do they respond?What do they do?How can we apply that in our lives today?

Oct. 9, 2022

One More Step

One More Step

Mike Giesenhagen

October 9, 2022

Acts 12:25-13:13

1.  ________ the __________________ _______________.

 2.  Be Ready to ______, And to __________ _________.

 3.  God’s ______________ is ________ _______________.

 4.  Look for ____________; Expect _________________.


 1.   What kinds of questions do people in our society like to ask?  Are these good questions?  Are there better questions we could ask?  Why?

 2.   What biblical examples do we have of people who step out in faith?  How does God respond?  What happens?  (e.g. Hebrews 12)

3.   When you think of your favorite hobbies or best skills, how did you get started with those things?  Who did you learn from?  What can you invite someone else to take part in?

 4.   What types of ministry do you feel are outside your gifts and abilities?  How could you support such ministries from afar?  What ministries could you take more ownership in?

 5.   Have you had a time in your life where you saw God’s opportunities abundantly?  When was that season, and what do you think contributed to so many opportunities to grow closer to God?

Oct 2, 2022

A Royal Knockout

Mike Giesenhagen

October 2, 2022

Acts 12

1.  __________________ God’s ____________________.

 2.  __________________ Gods _____________________.

 3.  _________________ in God’s ___________________.


 1.   What are some of the differences you see between King Herod and the apostle Peter in Acts 12?  What drives them?

 2.   What areas of our lives are difficult to turn over to God?  What makes these things difficult to surrender?

 3.   What does the word “sovereignty” mean?  How does it apply to God?

 4.   What are some examples of how God’s plan is preserved in dire circumstances?  (e.g.  Genesis 37-50, Exodus 6-14, 2 Kings 18-19, etc)  What does this tell us about God?

 5.   Prayer and Reflection: How engaged are you in God’s community?  How fervent are your prayers for others?  Are there people who know you and your faith well enough to speak into your life?

Sept. 25, 2022

What is a Christian?

Mike Giesenhagen

September 25, 2022

Acts 11:19-30

1.  Christians ________________ to ________________.

 2.  Christians _______________ to ____________ ________.

 3.  Christians ________ _______ to _______ about ______!

4.  Christians ______________ _______________.


 1.   Have you ever lived in a big city?  What was it like?  How was it different from a rural area like ours?  What was good about it?

 2.   If a 7 year old asked you, “What is a Christian?” how would you respond?

 3.   What does it mean for a Christian to be “in Christ”?  What do the Scriptures tell us about that? (e.g. 2 Cor 5:17, Romans 8:1)

 4.   How did the early church interact with one another?  How did they take care of one another?  What have we seen in the book of Acts? (e.g. Acts 2:36, 4:32, 9:30, 11:29-30)

 5.   If you were to describe your outreach temperature on a scale of 1-10 (1 being ice cold, 10 as a burning flame), where would you say you’re at?  What influences your temperature?  What would increase it?

6.   How do we see the early church prioritizing Christ in their lives?  What would that look like today?

September 18, 2022

A Changed Perspective

Mike Giesenhagen

September 18, 2022

Acts 11:1-18

1.  ____________________ is Not ____________________.

 2.  God Makes His _____________ _______________.

 What Are Some Ways God Speaks in this Passage?

 3.  _______________ God’s ___________________.


 1.   Have you ever thought something was true, only to find out it wasn’t?  What was the “truth” that was exposed as a lie?

 2.   What are some examples of traditions in the Scriptures that Jesus rebukes?  How does Jesus correct these misunderstandings?

 3.   How does God speak to Peter and the Church in this passage?  Have you seen God speak in similar ways in your life?

 4.   How did the people respond to Peter’s testimony?  How was that different from their initial response?  What changed?

 5.   Are there any Christian clichés or traditions that are not actually Scriptural?  What advice have you received that is rooted in Scripture?

 6.   How can we be we are submitting to God’s will, and not our own?

September 11, 2022: A New Frontier

Acts 10:1-48

A New Frontier

Mike Giesenhagen

September 11, 2022

Acts 10:1-48

1.  God __________ His _________ for His ______________.

2.  God’s _________ May _____________  _______.

3.  We Should ____________ When God ____________.

4.  God’s ____________   ______________  _____________.

a.  No One is _____________ from God’s Grace.

b.  No Sin is ________ _________ for God’s Grace.

c.  We Can _________ __________ in God’s Grace.


1.   How has God prepared you for specific challenges in your life?  How have you seen his plan unfold in your own life?

2.   When has God led you to do something you didn’t expect?  How did He help you through it?

3.   What might prevent us from answering God’s call?  What obstacles might we encounter in our own heart?  What obstacles might we encounter in the world around us?

4.   Who might God be calling you to proclaim the Gospel to?  Are there any people (or groups of people) that God has placed on your heart to pray for?  What kind of opportunity would you like to see God provide for you to show his love?

5.   Is there anything in your life that you think would be hard for God to forgive?  What would it take for you to bring that to God in confession to ask his forgiveness?   How confident are you in God’s grace in your life?  What would make you more confident?

September 4, 2022

Little Resurrections for Great Gospel Impact

Little Resurrections for Great Gospel Impact

Neil Schindler

September 4, 2022

Acts 9:32-43

Aeneas and Tabitha: “Little resurrections” pointing people to Jesus The context: The gospel’s spread to “all Judea and Samaria”

Aeneas: From “stuck” in bed to useful for the Lord

Tabitha: From “finished” to springing up for more good works

God’s purpose: That such news would lead to people trusting Jesus

How might these short accounts apply to our Christian walks today?

1) Jesus loves to work wonders through “ordinary” body members

2) Even “good” distractions must be put outside to seek God’s will

3) Good works don’t “earn” favor…but God loves to highlight them!

Sermon-based small group discussion questions

Neil Schindler

Acts 9:32-43 – September 4, 2022

Little Resurrections for Great Gospel Impact

1) Are there any Bible passages about which you have been tempted in the past to think, “This isn’t as important; I can just skim over it?”  Why did you think this way, and how did God convict you otherwise?

2) Think about a situation where you or someone close to you was “physically stuck” (i.e. long illness/COVID, cancer treatment, major surgery recovery), and no amount of health care or fervent prayer had changed things.  Regardless of the whether God chose to “heal” or not, and regardless of his means, how now do you see God’s merciful purposes on display through that “stuck” season (note: John 9:3; Isaiah 55:6-13; James 5:7-11)?

3) Why do you think Peter was so confidant telling Aeneas, “Jesus Christ heals you; rise and make your bed?”  Are there steps we as Jesus’ followers should take before making any similarly bold pronouncements, considering both the Holy Spirit’s nature and the difficulty of knowing God’s ultimate will (what will happen)?

4) Did you resonate with the application point of needing to “put outside good distractions” which might prevent you from hearing God’s voice?  What are some distractions you know you need to be careful for, so that you don’t “go on autopilot” in assuming God’s will?  What does it look like for you to “put them outside?”

5) How do you personally confront temptations in your heart—or unbelievers’ assumptions (i.e. “karma”)—which presume that our individual good works are being “recorded” by God in such a way that we can expect to get favors in return from God someday (like Tabitha’s miracle)?  Which Bible passages might you use to repel this pernicious line of thinking?

6a) If Tabitha’s record of plentiful good works didn’t “earn” her this miracle of a temporary resurrection, why then might God have chosen her—and not others—to raise from the dead?

6b) Given Paul’s argument that “death is gain” for the Christian, since being with Jesus is “better by far” (Philippians 1:20-23), in which way was her resurrection a “reward?”  Note Proverbs 11:30-31—in particular the “repayment” language and how it connects to spiritual fruitfulness.

Questions for further individual or group study:

7) How comfortable are you with the concept of God working acts of physical healing in the world today, in response to the prayers of his people?  How much potential discomfort is linked to seeing selfish motives / abuses among some professing Christians wanting to be “famous” (i.e. Simon in Acts 8:9-24)?  On the other hand, how might texts like John 14:12-13, 15:1-8, and James 5:13-18 challenge you to trust that Jesus might be pleased to use even you, and pray fervently and accordingly?

8) Take note of the resurrection accounts which are found in the Bible—are there any words/phrases, character similarities, responses, or elements of setting which they all have in common?  Think: How are all the “temporary” resurrections in Scripture meant to shed light on the permanent resurrection (first spiritual, and finally one day physical) which Jesus’ own resurrection has guaranteed for us, his followers?

Actual resurrection passages: 1 Kings 17:17-24; 2 Kings 4:18-37; 13:20-21; Luke 5:17-26; Luke 7:11-17; Luke 8:40-56; Luke 24:1-12+44-48; John 11:1-44; Acts 20:7-12; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 20:4-6+11-15

Other allusions and resurrection themes: Job 19:23-27; Isaiah 25:6-9; 26:18-19; 53:9-12; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Hosea 6:1-3; Matthew 17:1-7; Matthew 22:31-32; John 6:35-40; 1 Corinthians 15; Philippians 3:20-4:1

August 28, 2022: The Body of Christ

1 Corinthians 12

The Body of Christ

Mike Giesenhagen

August 28, 2022

1 Corinthians 12

1. We’re Here for __________ __________.

2. Christ ____________ Us.

3. The Body of Christ is _______________.

4. The Body of Christ Needs __________.

5. The Body of Christ is _______ _______.

6. We ___________ Each Other.

7. We ___________ Each Other.


1.   Have you ever been in a small group?  If so, how has a small group been a benefit to your life? If not, what would prevent you from joining one?

2.   What does it mean when Christ Unifies Us?  How does he bring us together?  What common ground do we have in Christ?

3.   What is something you have learned from someone different from you?  What is a lesson you have learned from them that you would not have learned on your own?

4.   How can we benefit from the different gifts and experiences that each of us have?  Have you seen this in your own life?

5.   How do our different experiences strengthen our church and our small groups?

6.   How can a small group support us in difficult times?   There are many ways to serve.  How might God be calling you to serve the Church or a small group this year?

August 21, 2022: In Over Our Heads

Acts: 9:20-31

In Over Our Heads

Mike Giesenhagen

August 21, 2022

Acts 9:20-31


1.   How was Saul received by the people after his miraculous conversion on the Road to Damascus?  Why was he received this way?

2.   Who, if anyone, might be surprised to see you following Christ?  What would they expect instead?

3.   How could God use your life experience to minister to others?  What have you been through that might be able to encourage others?

4.   How did Saul’s exit from Damascus differ from his entrance?

5. How was Saul helped by others in this passage?  How have you been helped through difficult times by the Church?  How could the church help you now?

August 14, 2022: The Call of Christ

The Call of Christ

Mike Giesenhagen

August 14, 2022

Acts 9:1-19

1. ____ ____________ < ______ __________

 2. ____ _________ < ______ ___________

 3. Christianity is a ________________.

 4. We Need _________ _______________.


 1.   How did Saul view himself when he started on the road to Damascus?  How did he see the early followers of Christ (the Way)?

 2.   Why would it be difficult for Saul to believe in Christ as Messiah (read Deuteronomy 21:23)?

 3.   For three days Saul was blind and did not eat.  What do you think those days were like for him?  If you were in his shoes, what would you have been thinking about?

 4.   How did Saul’s life change as a result of his encounter with Christ?  What did he lose?  What did he gain?

 5.   How did Ananias respond to God’s call to meet with Saul?  What would have made this difficult?  How was he able to go anyway?

 6.   Personal Prayer: Are there any areas of our life where we are relying on our own righteousness, rather than God’s (like Saul)? Are there any people God is calling us to minister to (like Ananias)?

August 7, 2022: Anytime. Anywhere.

Acts 8: 26-40

Anytime.  Anywhere

Mike Giesenhagen

August 7, 2022

Acts 8:26-40

1. We Need to Be Ready to _______ ____

 2. We Need to Be Ready for an ________

 3. We Need to Be Ready with the ______

 4. We Need to Be Ready for a _________


 1.   Have you ever had a time when you were unexpectedly prepared for something that came your way?  What happened?  How were you prepared?

 2.   How did God prepare Philip for the conversation that took place at the chariot?

 3.   What would an opportunity for a spiritual conversation look like?  What types of things do people often go through that might lead to a conversation about Jesus?

 4.   How does Jesus meet people’s needs?  What of our longings in life does Jesus satisfy?  Give some specific questions that Jesus could answer, and use Scripture to answer those questions.

 5.   If you do enter into a spiritual conversation, what would you do if the other person is receptive to what you say about Jesus?  What happens next?

 6.   Personal Prayer: Who can you pray for an opportunity to tell about Jesus?

July 31, 2022

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But I Don’t Wanna

Mike Giesenhagen

July 31, 2022

Acts 8:1-25

We Don’t Wanna Grow, but…

1. God Uses _____________ for ________!

 We Don’t Wanna Go, but…

2. God’s Word is _____________ _______!

 We Don’t Wanna Let Go, but…

3. God’s Plan is __________ than ______!


 1.   In Acts 8, we see the early church persecuted by the religious leaders of Jerusalem.  What happens as a result of this persecution?

 2.   What are the benefits of challenges in our lives?  How have you grown as a person in the midst of trials and challenges?  What are the risks when we become too comfortable with the way things are?

 3.   Are there any groups of people that would be difficult for you to share the love of Christ with?  What would make that so difficult for you?  Pray for God to help you grow in His love for the people he created in his image.

 4.   Have you ever known someone who could not let something go?  What were they holding on to?  How did it affect them? Are there any things that God might ask you to let go?

 5.   Personal Prayer: Simon’s past made it difficult and unwise for him to engage in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Are there any areas in your life where you might have trouble serving God in a similar way?

July 24, 2022

Don’t Miss the Boat

Mike Giesenhagen

July 24, 2022

Acts 6:8-8:3



 1.   Do you know anyone who is at risk of denying Christ the way Stephen describes in Acts 7?  Who can you pray for God to soften their hearts?

 2.   Is there anything in your life that God is calling you to?  Is there anything he is calling you away from?  What would it take for you to follow Him in those things?  What are the risks if you don’t?

July 17, 2022: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Mike Giesenhagen

July 17, 2022

Acts 5:12-42

1.  ___________ is _________ ___________!

2.  We All Have _____________ _________.

3.  We All Share a ____________ _______.


 1.       What does grumbling look like?  What kinds of phrases are used when people grumble?  Who do people grumble toward?

 2.   What do the Scriptures tell us about how we should handle disagreements in the Church?  Suggested Scriptures: Matthew 18:15-20, Philippians 2:14-16, 1 Peter 4:7-11, Romans 14

 3.   What is the risk when we grumble to and against one another?

 4.   How does the division of labor in Acts 6 allow God’s Church to continue to grow?

 5.   What role do the apostles play in Acts 6?  What role do the seven play?

 6.   1 Corinthians 12 says that every member in the body of Christ plays a role.  How do you think God is using you to build up his Church?  How has God used you to “make disciples of all the nations”?

July 10, 2022: Port in The Storm

Acts 5:12-42

Port in the Storm

Mike Giesenhagen

July 10, 2022

Acts 5:12-42

1.  God’s ________ Bring __________ ____!

2.  ______________ Come to ___________.

3.  God’s __________ Provides _________


1.       How is it evident that God’s presence is with the Apostles in Acts 5:12-42?

2.   How do the Sanhedrin display their selfish desires in this passage?

3.   How does God provide and protect the apostles in this passage?

4.   How do the apostles obey God in this passage?

5. How do the apostles rejoice after being jailed, tried, and flogged?  Is this a natural response?  What would prevent us from responding in such a way?  What would help us to respond as they do?  Consider James 5:7-16

July 3, 2022: Responding to Discouragement

Responding to Discouragement

1 Kings 19

Neil Schindler

July 3, 2022 

Elijah’s discouraging situation: Jezebel’s death threat (v1-4)

The context: Elijah’s recent great “success” on Mt. Carmel

 What might explain Elijah’s drastic response to Jezebel’s threat?

Elijah’s desperate “it is enough” prayer: Humility, or resignation?

God’s gracious responses to encourage Elijah’s weary soul (v5-21)

1)  Miraculous provision of food and drink via an angel

2)   Reassurance of still having God’s fatherly, caring ear

3)  A gentle whisper amid his show of power

4)  God’s loving recommissioning and correction

Why would God and Elijah repeat the same words again?

God’s grace in recommissioning us—“it’s not enough, yet!”

God’s correction as encouragement—his work’s fullness (7,000) 


 1.       Like Elijah, have you ever had a great spiritual “success” followed immediately by an ice-water-in-your-face discouragement, reminding you that your triumph wasn’t as absolute as you had expected?  How did it make you feel?  How did you respond to God?

2.       Read 2 Corinthians 12:2-10.  Why do you think God often allows us to experience the great discouragement of “thorns in the flesh,” even those that make us ready to “quit and throw in the proverbial towel” on God?

3.       Have you ever had a rash, discouraged-driven prayer request which you are now glad God didn’t answer (like Elijah in 1 Kings 19:4)?  How does recalling this make you thankful, given how things are now?

4.       Do you find it difficult to listen for God’s voice?  Why?  How do you discern between his voice and your own heart’s voice “projecting itself” as God’s?  How might we help to encourage each other listen better for God’s voice, whether he is speaking through a proverbial whirlwind or a gentle whisper?  (note: Psalm 37:23-24, Psalm 46, Psalm 103:13-14)

5.       Read Romans 11:1-5, where Paul quotes from 1 Kings 19 to prove that God never rejects his people.  How might this reminder of God guarding his “remnant chosen by grace” help you when you feel you’ve failed him, or that you’re all alone in seeking to serve him?

6.       An interesting fact about Elijah post-1 Kings 19: He failed to fulfill the rest of God’s mission to anoint Jehu and Hazael (1 Kings 19:15-16); Elisha did instead (2 Ki. 8-9).  How might this fact—that God always gets his mission done—encourage your heart, if you are prone to worry about your future and your likelihood of failure?