November 10, 2024: Out of This World

John 15:18-27

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Out of This World

Mike Giesenhagen

November 10, 2024

John 15:18-27

1.  We Will __________________ ___________________.

2.  The World ____________________ ______________.

3.  We’re __________ ___________ of the __________.

a.  What Would ____________ _________?

b.  What are we ___________ ___________?

4.  Jesus _____________ the _____________________.


1.   How likely is it that we will experience opposition to our faith in Jesus? How have you experienced that in your life?

2.   How does the secular world misunderstand Jesus? What does the world cling to instead?

3.   How do the religious leaders misunderstand Jesus in the Bible? How does this continue today?

4.   How does Jesus respond to his opponents and enemies in the Scriptures?

5.   How are Christians expected to face opposition in the New Testament? What does Jesus instruct us to do regarding our enemies?

6.   What does Jesus do to prepare the disciples for the coming opposition?

November 3, 2024: We Are the Branches

John 15:5-17

We Are the Branches

Mike Giesenhagen

November 3, 2024

John 15:5-17

1.  We Must ______________ in _______________.

2.  Christ’s ___________ ____________ in _______.

3.  We Must ___________ in ___________ __________.


1.   What does the imagery of the vine and the branches teach us about our relationship with Christ?

2.   What does it mean to abide/remain in Christ? How has God used this in your life?

3.   Prayer Project: What obstacles or distractions make it difficult to abide/remain in Christ? How can God help you with these things?

4.   What sayings from Jesus help you in times of trouble?

5.   Have you ever been loved by someone sacrificially? What happened? What was the result of their loving actions?

6.   How does the body of Christ help us to remain in Christ’s love?

7.   Prayer Project: Who has God called you to love as Jesus did? What does that look like?

October 27, 2024: I AM the Vine

John 15:1-17

I AM the Vine

Mike Giesenhagen

October 20, 2024

John 15:1-17

1.  We Must ______________ in _______________.

a.  God ______________ the _______________

b.  God ______________ His ________________

2.  We Must ___________ __ in _______________.

3.  ___________ as _____________ _____________.


1.   What does it mean that Jesus is the “true vine”?

2.   What does God’s pruning look like? Who does God prune in John 15:2?

3.   What is the purpose/benefit of God’s pruning?

4.   Prayer Project: Are there any areas of your life where God wants to prune you?

5.   What does it mean to remain/abide in Christ? What practices have been helpful in your relationship with Jesus?

6.   Prayer Project: What obstacles or distractions make it difficult to abide/remain in Christ? How can God help you with these things?

7.   Have you ever been loved by someone sacrificially? What happened? What was the result of their loving actions?

8.   Prayer Project: Who has God called you to love as Jesus did? What does that look like?

October 20, 2024: If You Love Me...

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

John 14:15-21

If You Love Me

Mike Giesenhagen

October 20, 2024

John 14:15-31

1.  ____________ __________ Out of ______________.

2.  The _____________ is Here to ____________.

3.  The ________________ _______________ in Us.

4.  Our ____________ is in _________ _____________.


1.   What is the difference between the future and imperative tense of “keep” in John 14:15? How would this be different in our lives?

2.   What is the Spirit’s role in our spiritual growth? How does He help us throughout our life in Christ?

3.   Why is it important that Jesus sent the Spirit after Him? What help does the presence of the Spirit provide to those who believe in Christ?

4.   How does it help to know that God is with us through the Holy Spirit? Why does Jesus remind us that He will be with us even after His death, resurrection, and ascension?

5.   Prayer Project: Are there any areas of your life that the Holy Spirit is leading you to change in order to walk more closely with Him?

October 13, 2024: Show us the Father

John 14:8-14

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Show Us the Father

Mike Giesenhagen

October 13, 2024

John 14:8-14


The Question:

1.  We Want to ___________ ____________.

2.  We Always Want ___________ _____________.

3.  Knowing __________ IS Knowing ____________.

Signs in John:

Water into Wine (2:1-11)

Healing the Official’s Son (4:43-54)

Healing at Bethesda (5:1-15)

Feeding 5,000 (6:1-15)

Healing the Man Born Blind (9:1-12)

Raising Lazarus (11:1-44)

4.  Jesus ____________ in ____________.


1.   What evidence have you seen that every soul longs to know the living God?

2.   Why does Philip want to see the Father? What is he hoping for by saying this to Jesus?

3.   What does Jesus mean when he says, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father”? What does this tell us about who Jesus is?

4.   What do the signs (works) of Jesus in the book of John tell us about who Jesus is?

5.   Additional Study: There are 7 “I AM” statements found in the book of John (6:35, 8:12, 10:7, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6, 15:1). What do these statements of identity teach us about who Jesus is?

6.   Prayer Project: How have you seen Jesus work in you and through you to accomplish is purposes in the world today? How has he impacted the lives of others through you?

October 6, 2024: How Can We Know the Way

John 14:4-7

How Can We Know the Way?

Mike Giesenhagen

October 6, 2024

John 14:4-7


The Question:

1.  Jesus is the ______________.

2.  Jesus is the ______________.

3.  Jesus is the ______________.


1.   What is the difference between Jesus being the “way, truth, and life” versus being an example of those things?

2.   Read John 10:1-10. What title does Jesus apply to Himself in this passage? How does that relate to John 14:6?

3.   Read John 15:1-4. What title does Jesus apply to Himself in this passage? How does that relate to John 14:6?

4.   Read John 5:36-39 and 11:17-27. How does Jesus describe Himself in these passages? How does that relate to John 14:6?

5.   Additional Study: Utilize a Bible app to do a Word study of the phrase “the law” in the New Testament. What does the New Testament teach us about how to understand and apply the law of the Old Testament in our present day?

6.   Prayer Project: If you had a friend who gave you the opportunity to tell them one thing (one sentence!) about Christianity, what would you tell them? How about 2? Continue adding one sentence at a time until you reach 5 or 10 truths to share with your friend.

September 29, 2024: Why Not Now?

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

John 13:31-14:4

Why Not Now?

Mike Giesenhagen

September 29, 2024

John 13:31-14:4


The Question:

1.  God ____________ in His _______________.

2.  We’re Not As _____________ As We ___________.

3.  Jesus _________________ the ____________.


1.   Ice Breaker: Imagine you’re in a new social situation (like a party or visiting a new community). How do you normally behave in situations like this?

2.   Why is Peter so insistent on Jesus staying with the disciples? What would be on your mind if you were in his shoes?

3.   Additional Study: Do you think Peter is genuine in his commitment to Christ? What leads to his denial of Jesus? What is the end result? (Read John 18 and 21)

4.   How might our “spiritual eyes” be bigger than our “spiritual stomachs”? In what ways might we mean well, but fall short?

5.   What is one way that God might be calling you to invest in a longstanding season of faithfulness, even if you do not experience immediate fruit?

6.   Prayer Project: Are there any areas of your life where you need to trust Jesus to take charge, rather than trying to address it in your own strength? (Peter wanted to help Jesus, but he didn’t realize how much he needed Jesus to prepare a place for him.)

September 22, 2024: Lord, Who is it?

John 13: 18-35

Lord, Who is it?

Mike Giesenhagen

September 22, 2024

John 13:18-35

The Coming Betrayal:

The Question:

The Answer:

The Outcome:

The Teaching:


1.   What do you think was going through the disciples’ minds when they heard Jesus say, “Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me”?

2.   Why do you think the disciples wanted to know who it was?  What were they hoping to learn or do?

3.   What is the significance of Satan entering into Judas in John 13:27?

4.   Prayer Project: What do we make of Jesus’s response to Judas? Why would he simply say “what you are about to do, do it quickly”? What can we learn from Jesus here?

5.   What is the purpose of Jesus’s teaching in John 13:31-35? What does the coming betrayal mean for Jesus (see 13:31-32, John 19)? What does it mean for the disciples (13:34-35)? Why is it important for the disciples to “love one another”?

September 15, 2024: Jesus Washes Feet

John 13:1-17

Jesus Washes Feet

Mike Giesenhagen

September 15, 2024

John 13:1-17

The Context:

The Question:

The Answer:

The Reframing:

The Teaching:


1.   What does the context of this story mean?  What events are about to take place in Jesus’s ministry?

2.   Whose feet did Jesus wash in John 13?  Why is this surprising/not surprising?

3.   Why did Peter object to having his feet washed by Jesus?

4.   What does Jesus mean when he says, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”? What are the implications here? (Note: this comment is not specifically talking about foot washing, but points forward to the cross)

5.   What is the implication of the continued washing of the feet in verse 10?

6. What is the purpose of the teaching in verses 12-17?  What is Jesus calling his disciples to emulate?

September 8, 2024: Serving the Body

1 Corinthians 12

Pastor Mike Giesenhangen

Serving the Body

Mike Giesenhagen

September 8, 2024

1 Corinthians 12

1.  ________________ is Called to ___________.

2.  The __________ We __________ Are _____________.

3.  Every _____________ is ____________________.

4.  We ________ ____________ for __________ _______.


1.   According to 1 Corinthians 12, who is called to serve?  What exclusions are made?

2.   What types of service are mentioned in 1 Cor 12?  What types of ministries do we have at HEFC?

3.   What talents or skills might God use to benefit his Church?

4.   Are there any other ways you might be willing to serve the people of God’s Church?

5.   How has God worked through you in the past, whether inside or outside the church?

Prayer Project: Are there any specific obstacles that are preventing you from getting involved?  If so, what would it take for God to overcome those obstacles?

September 1, 2024: Learning from Job

Job 1-42

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Theology 101

Mike Giesenhagen

September 1, 2024


Chapter 1 and 2:  The Setting and the Circumstances

Chapter 3-30: Job Argues with 3 Friends

Chapter 31: Job’s Final Case

Chapter 32-37: Elihu Speaks

Chapter 38-42: God Confronts Job


1.   In Job 1-2, he loses almost everything.  How does he respond initially?  If you were to imagine a time like this, how do you think you might respond?

2.   How do Job’s friends respond in his time of trouble?  What do they emphasize with him?  How is their counsel received by God (Job 32:3, 42:7-8)?

3.   How does Job respond to his circumstances initially?  How does his mindset change (Job 2:10, 16:7-14, 27:2-6)?

4.   What is Job reliant upon by the end of the book (Job 27:2-6, 31, 32:1)?

5.   How does Elihu address the conversation between Job and his three friends?  How is Elihu’s position similar?  How is it different?

6.   How does God respond to Job (38-42)?  And how does Job receive God’s admonishment?

7.   How does Job repent in the final chapters of the book?  What does he need to turn away from?  What instead should he turn to?

8.   Prayer Project: Is there anything you are holding onto for yourself?  What would it take to turn it over to God?

August 18, 2024: Preparing for Harvest

Colossians 2:6-15

Preparing for Harvest

Mike Giesenhagen

August 18, 2024

Colossians 2:6-15

1.  ___________ is the _____________ ____________.

2.  We Need to be _____________ in _____________.

3.  We Need _________________ in ______________.

4.  We Ought to ________________ to ____________. 


1.   What benefits do you see that we receive in Christ in Colossians 2:6-15?  What does it say about who Christ is?  What has He done for us?

2.   What is the importance of the word “received” in Colossians 2:6? What does this teach us about our faith in Christ?

3.   How can we become “rooted and established” in Christ?

4.   What is the importance of community in the Christian life? Who knows you well that you allow to speak into your life?

5.   What does it mean to “overflow with thankfulness” to God?  How does that show up in your life?

August 11, 2024: Jesus Our High Priest

Hebrews 4:14-16

Tyler Heerdt

Jesus Our High Priest

Tyler Heerdt

August 11, 2024

Hebrews 4:14-16

1.  We can hold fast to our confession of Christ, because He is ____________ and does not ___________ us.

2.  Jesus _________________ what we are going through on a ____________ level.

3.  We can be confident before God, because Jesus Christ ____________ that we are ______________ through Him.


1.   What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or difficult?  Explain.

August 4, 2024: Baptism

Romans 6:1-10
Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11;
Luke 3:21-22; John 1:29-34


Mike Giesenhagen

August 4, 2024

Romans 6:1-10

Matt 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-22; Jn 1:29-34 

Article 7: The Church 

The Lord Jesus mandated two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel.  Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the church in genuine faith, these ordinances confirm and nourish the believer. 

1.   God _______________ _________________.

2.   Baptism is an _______________ of _______________.

a.  Baptism is a ____________ of a __________ __________.

b.  Baptism _____________ ____________ into the _____________.

3.   Baptism is a __________ of the ______________.

a.  Baptism is for ___________ ________________.

b.  We Join ____________ in His ______________.

c.  We Join ____________ in _________ __________.


  1. What is baptism?  What does the word mean?

  2. What is the significance of Jesus’s baptism in the Gospels?

  3. How is baptism a testimony to faith in Christ?  What is the role of the baptized?  What is the role of the Church?

  4. How does baptism express the Gospel for others to see?

  5. What reminders does baptism provide for the believer?

  6. What are some similarities between baptism and the Lord’s Supper?  What are some differences?

July 28, 2024: The Lord's Supper

1 Corinthians 11:17-32

The Lord’s Supper

Mike Giesenhagen

July 28, 2024

1 Corinthians 11:17-32

Matt 26:17-29; Mk 14:12-25; Lk 22:7-20; Jn 13:1-38 

Article 7: The Church 

The Lord Jesus mandated two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel.  Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the church in genuine faith, these ordinances confirm and nourish the believer. 

1.   The Lord’s Supper is _____________ by _____________.

2.   The Lord’s Supper ______________ ____________.

a.  We Remember ____________ _____________.

b.  We Share ________________ with ____________.

c.  We Share ________________ with the ________.

d.  We Remember _________ _________ _________.

3.   The Lord’s Supper is for the ___________ ___________.

a.  Communion is for _______________.

b.  Communion is ____________ by ___________.

c.  Communion Expects _________ _____________.

4.   Communion is ____________ to __________ Us.


  1. What is the Lord’s Supper?  What does the term “Lord’s Supper” signify?  What is the difference with the term “Communion”?

  2. Additional Study: Read the 4 Gospel accounts of the Last Supper.  What are the similarities?  What differences do you see?

  3. Why are the Lord’s Supper and Baptism called “ordinances”?  What does this mean in the life of the church?

  4. Which aspect of the Lord’s Supper do you find most compelling?  What do we remember when participating in the Lord’s Supper?

  5. How does someone know if they are ready to partake in the Lord’s Supper?

  6. What is the “significance of silence” in the EFCA position of the Lord’s Supper?  What is the difference between disagreement and division?

July 21, 2024: Prayers of Love

Romans 3:21-26

Prayers of Love

Mike Giesenhagen

July 21, 2024

Romans 3:21-26

Article 7: The Church 

We believe that the true church comprises all who have been justified by God’s grace through faith alone in Christ alone.  They are united by the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ, of which He is the Head.  The true church is manifest in local churches, whose membership should be composed only of believers.  The Lord Jesus mandated two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel.  Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the church in genuine faith, these ordinances confirm and nourish the believer. 

1.   The Church is ____________ ___________________.

2.   The Church is ___________ __________ _____________.

3.   The Church ______________ _________ _____________.


  1. How do you define the Church?  What does it mean when our statement of faith mentions the “true church”?

  2. How would you explain justification to someone else?  Grace?  Faith alone?  Christ alone?

  3. Why does our justification matter for the identity of the Church?

  4. How does the Holy Spirit help us be united under Christ?  What does this look like in the Church?

  5. What is the importance of the local church in the Christian life?  What benefits do we gain from one another?

July 14, 2024: Prayers of Love

Ephesians 6:18-24

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Prayers of Love

Mike Giesenhagen

July 14, 2024

Ephesians 6:18-24 

Themes in Ephesians:  

1.   __________ is our ______________________.

2.   __________ for __________ _______________.

3.   __________________ the _________________.

4.   _____________ One __________________.


  1. Additional Study: Ephesians 1-6.  When you read the book of Ephesians, what themes do you see throughout the book?  What does Paul emphasize to the Ephesians?

  2. Why is prayer such an emphasis in the New Testament?  What benefits are there to praying?

  3. What types of things does Paul pray for other people in the New Testament?  How similar are our prayers for each other?

  4. What does Paul ask for regarding prayers for him in Ephesians 6:19-20?  Why is this his priority?

  5. How does Paul conclude his letter to the Ephesians?  What does he highlight in the conclusion?

July 7, 2024: Standing in God's Armor

Ephesians 7:10-17

Standing in God’s Armor

Mike Giesenhagen

July 7, 2024

Ephesians 7:10-17 


1.   ___________ Holds the ______________.

2.   Our ____________ __________ is _________________.

3.   God’s Armor Helps Us ____________ ____________.

4.   God’s Armor Provides ________________ __________.

The Belt of Truth:

The Breastplate of Righteousness:

The Boots of the Gospel:

The Shield of Faith:

The Helmet of Salvation:

The Sword of the Spirit:


  1. Additional Study: Ephesians 1-5.  How has God’s power been demonstrated in the book of Ephesians?  What has He done for us?

  2. Why is it important to remember who our true enemy is?  What difference does it make?

  3. What are we instructed to do while wearing the armor of God?

  4. How does truth help us in the battle against Satan?

  5. Where does our righteousness come from?  How does it protect us in the battle?

  6. What does the word “readiness” imply about the Gospel of peace?

  7. How does faith help protect us from the attacks of the enemy?

  8. What is the significance of the “helmet of salvation”?

  9. How can we wield the Sword of the Spirit against the enemy?  How do we see this used in Scripture?

June 30, 2024: Loving Each Other

Ephesians 5:21-6:9

Loving Each Other

Mike Giesenhagen

June 30, 2024

Ephesians 5:21-6:9 


1.   ______________ to ____________ __________________.

2.   ______________________ Your __________________.

a.  _____________ Your ________________.

b.  _____________ Your ________________.

c.  We Are ________________ as ____________.

3.   Children: _______________ your ________________.

4.   Parents: ________________ Your ________________.

5.   _______________ for the ________________.

6.   _______________ the ________________.


  1. Additional Study: What does it mean to “submit to one another” in Ephesians 5:21? How does Christ model this in Phil 2:1-8?

  2. How does the church submit to Christ?  How would that apply in the context of loving relationship?

  3. How does Christ love the church?  What does this mean for husbands as they love their wives?

  4. What does it mean to “honor your father and mother”?  How could this lead to the promise of Ephesians 6:3?

  5. How does God’s example inform the ways we ought to train up our children?

  6. How does our relationship with God impact our relationships at school or in the workplace?

June 23, 2024: Darkness and Light

Ephesians 5:1-21

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Darkness and Light

Mike Giesenhagen

June 23, 2024

Ephesians 5:1-21 


1.   We Are a _________ ______________ in ____________.

2.   ___________ is a __________________ _______________.

a.  Our ____________ _______________.

b.  ___________ Can Become _______________.

c.  We Can Become ___________ _______ ________

3.   In ___________, We Are ______________ ____ ________

4.   Walk as _____________ _______ ______________.

a.  Examine _____________________.

b.  ___________ from the _________________.

c.  ___________ the __________ of _______________.

d.  ____________ One Another


  1. What does it mean to be “imitators of God”?  What would that look like, according to Ephesians 5:1-2?

  2. How do our words affect our actions?  How do our words and actions affect the way we see ourselves?  (E.g. Matthew 12:34)

  3. What is the difference between light and darkness?  How do they interact?  What is the significance of Paul saying “for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord”?  (Eph 5:8)

  4. How can we discern what is pleasing to the Lord?  What might prevent us from pursuing these things?

  5. Prayer Project: Ephesians 5:12-14.  Are there any “deeds of darkness” in your life that need to be brought to the light of Jesus?  This could include past sins to be forgiven, current struggles to be addressed, or hurt from sins against you to be healed/forgiven.

  6. How are we called to treat one another in the family of God?  (Ephesians 5:18-21)