November 7th 2021 Announcements

  • The next Craft & Create weekend is November 12 & 13. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9p-5p in the Worship Center. Bring: project(s), supplies (cutting mat & ironing board provided), your own beverage and a snack to share. We will order lunch on Saturday. Please contact Carrie S if you are planning to come so enough tables can be arranged. Feel free to invite a friend!

  • Join us for a Celebration Sunday on November 21st!

    • Our traditional sharing service gives an opportunity to thank God for what he has done!

    • We will have a potluck after the worship service. Sign up on the clip board on the snack counter in the Worship Center. Call or text Dede H with any questions.

    • Voting for HEFC Leadership and new members will happen at our Congregational Business Meeting after the meal.

    • A dedication of our newly renovated space for Children's Ministry will be after the meeting.

  • Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes can be brought to church for the next two Sundays. Don’t forget to label your box for a boy or girl and mark the age. Extra labels are at church or they can be found online at The last collection date for Operation Christmas Child at HEFC is Sunday, November 14.

  • Children's Ministry is implementing a new check-in system! Parents/Guardians, please bring your kiddos to Children's Ministry each Sunday (before the fellowship break) to receive your family's color-coded stickers. Only the adult with the correct sticker can pick up their kids after the service. If you have questions, contact Elyse or Missy.

  • We're looking to see how many folks are interested in participating in a week-long Mission Trip next year. Location is yet to be determined. Contact Ann B or Pastor Mike if interested.

  • We are looking for individuals or couples to volunteer to become part of a Welcome Team. This team will assist with welcoming guests, helping them find their seats, helping with their children and whatever other needs might have. For more information and to volunteer, please contact Char S.

  • We are looking for another Sound Tech person to run the sound board during the Sunday morning services and at the Thursday evening worship team practices. If you are interested, please contact Pat G.

  • Watch for details on an upcoming Christmas Service Project in December!

October 24th 2021 Announcements

  • The HEFC Leadership Nomination letters are now available for members. Please pick one up in your mail folder. If you would like one emailed to you contact the church office. Nominations are due Oct 31st. Voting will happen at our Congregational Business Meeting Sunday, November 21st.

  • A Small Group Leaders Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 31st after the worship service. Pastor Mike will host the meeting for a short time of connection for those leading a small group.

  • We're looking to see how many folks are interested in participating in a week-long Mission Trip next year. Location is yet to be determined. Contact Ann B or Pastor Mike if interested.

  • October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Take this month to pray for, bless and encourage our pastor!

  • Some empty Operation Christmas Child boxes have disappeared from the table. Way to go, church! Filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes can be brought to church where they will be kept for delivery. Please remember the request of $9 per shoebox for shipping and other expenses. If you would like to adopt a shoebox and help someone with the sending costs, please make a check out to Samaritan’s Purse and give it to Carrie N who will deliver those with the shoeboxes.

  • We are looking for individuals or couples to volunteer to become part of a Welcome Team. This team will oversee new and current guests in our church. The team will assist with welcoming guests, helping them find their seats, helping with their children and whatever other needs might have. For more information and to volunteer, please contact Char S.

  • We are looking for another Sound Tech person to run the sound board during the Sunday morning services and at the Thursday evening worship team practices. If you are interested, please contact Pat G.

  • Ladies can mark your calendars for the next Craft & Create weekend November 12 & 13. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9p-5p. Bring: project(s), supplies (cutting mat & ironing board provided), your own beverage and a snack to share. We will order lunch on Saturday. Please contact Carrie S if you are planning to come so enough tables can be arranged. Feel free to invite a friend!

October 17th 2021 Announcements

  • The HEFC Leadership Nomination letters are now available for members. Please pick one up in your mail folder. If you would like one emailed to you contact the church office. Nominations are due Oct 31st. Voting will happen at our Congregational Business Meeting Sunday, November 21st.

  • A Small Group Leaders Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 31st after the worship service. Pastor Mike will host the meeting for a short time of connection for those leading a small group.

  • We're looking to see how many folks are interested in participating in a week-long Mission Trip next year. Location is yet to be determined. Contact Ann or Pastor Mike if interested.

  • October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Take this month to pray for, bless and encourage our pastor!

  • Watch for upcoming details about Operation Christmas Child!

  • We are looking for individuals or couples to volunteer to become part of a Welcome Team. This team will oversee new and current guests in our church. The team will assist with welcoming guests, helping them find their seats, helping with their children and whatever other needs might have. For more information and to volunteer, please contact Char S.

  • We have made it all the way through the rotation for those bringing Fellowship Snacks. If you would like to be added to the list to bring treats for our Fellowship Break during the worship service, please contact the church office. A current list is in the Worship Center foyer. Questions can be answered by Dede H.

October 3rd 2021 Announcements

  • Parents, teachers and volunteers are invited to a Children's' Ministry Open House on Sunday, October 3rd! The open house and annual Parent/Teacher/Volunteer meeting will be held after church.

  • The next Craft & Create weekend will be October 15 & 16. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9p-5p. Bring: project(s), supplies (cutting mat & ironing board provided), your own beverage and a snack to share. We will order lunch on Saturday. Please contact Carrie S if you are planning to come so enough tables can be arranged. Feel free to invite a friend!

  • Join us for an Outdoor Workday on Saturday, October 16th 8:00am - Noon! We will be doing some landscaping, tree trimming and painting. We are looking for volunteers to provide lunch so the time can be extended. Rain/follow up date: October 23. Contact Matt M with any questions.

  • If you are willing to help lead our youth through the Bible Instruction Course (BIC) please contact Craig K or Pastor Mike for additional information.

  • We are looking for another Sound Tech person to run the sound board during the Sunday morning services and at the Thursday evening worship team practices. If you are interested, please contact Pat G.

September 26th 2021 Announcements

  • HEFC Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd after the worship service. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office or Pastor Mike.

  • Parents, teachers and volunteers are invited to a Children's' Ministry Open House on Sunday, October 3rd! The open house and annual Parent/Teacher/Volunteer Meeting will be held after church.

  • The next Craft & Create weekend will be October 15 & 16. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9p-5p. Bring: project(s), supplies (cutting mat & ironing board provided), your own beverage and a snack to share. We will order lunch on Saturday. Please contact Carrie S if you are planning to come so enough tables can be arranged. Feel free to invite a friend!

  • Join us for an Outdoor Workday on Saturday, October 16th 8:00am - Noon! We will be doing some landscaping, tree trimming and painting. We are looking for volunteers to provide lunch so the time can be extended. Rain/follow up date: October 23. Contact Matt M with any questions.

  • Are you looking for a place to serve at Hutchinson Evangelical Free Church? We are in need of additional Servers for the Fellowship Break during our worship service. Please contact Patti K if you are willing to be on a rotating schedule for Fellowship Servers.

  • If anyone would like to lead our church with Operation Christmas Child, please contact the church office. We received a leader packet and would love to pas it on to someone passionate about this ministry.

September 19th 2021 Announcements

  • Many of our Small Groups have now started! If you would like a copy of the fall small groups flier please pick one up in the worship center or call the church office.

  • Interested in becoming a member of HEFC? Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd after the worship service. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office or Pastor Mike.

  • We will have an opportunity for baptism on Sunday, September 26th. Anyone interested in being baptized or learning more about baptism can contact the church office.

  • Parents, teachers and volunteers are invited to a Children's' Ministry Renovation Open House on Sunday, October 3rd! The open house and annual Parent/Teacher/Volunteer meeting will be held after church.

September 12th 2021 Announcements

  • Children's Ministry is now offered every week! Nursery - 5th grade will be dismissed partway through the service.

  • We still need a couple of additional helpers in Children's Ministry. This is a once-per-month commitment to assist the teacher and lovingly supervise the kids. No weekly prep required! Contact Elyse or Missy if interested.

  • We also need additional security during Children's Ministry time. Contact Pat Geiken if interested.

  • Small Group Sunday is TODAY! There will be an opportunity to meet with small group leaders after the service.

  • There will be a Women's Night Out on Tuesday September 14th. Come at 7:00 pm for a campfire at the home of Lynn A. Bring your own chair and invite a friend!

  • Interested in becoming a member of HEFC? Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office or Pastor Mike.

  • We will have an opportunity for baptism on Sunday, September 26th. Anyone interested in being baptized or learning more about baptism can contact the church office.

  • Mom's In Prayer will begin meeting today for those with school age children who would like to meet with other moms weekly to lift up their students and schools in prayer. The group meets on Fridays at Cross Point Church from 4:00-5:00. If interested, please contact Carrie S for more information.

  • If you are willing and available to help with childcare for small groups please contact the church office.

September 5th 2021 Announcements

  • Children's Ministry will be offered every week starting September 5th. Nursery - 5th grade will be dismissed partway through the service.

  • Small Group Sunday is Sunday, September 12th when we highlight all of our small groups. There will be an opportunity to meet with small group leaders after the service.

  • There will be a Women's Night Out on Tuesday September 14th. Come at 7:00 pm for a campfire at the home of Lynn A. Bring your own chair and invite a friend!

  • Interested in becoming a member of HEFC? Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office or Pastor Mike.

  • We will have an opportunity for baptism on Sunday, September 26th. Anyone interested in being baptized or learning more about baptism can contact the church office.

  • Mom’s In Prayer will begin meeting September 10th. This group of moms meet on Fridays at Cross Point Church from 4:00-5:00 to pray for their students and schools. Contact Carrie S. if you have questions.

August 29th 2021 Announcements

  • Children's Ministry will be offered every week starting September 5th. Nursery through 5th grade (11 years) will be dismissed partway through the service. Volunteers will start their monthly rotation on 9/5.

  • We still need a few additional helpers in Children's Ministry. This is a once-per-month commitment to assist the teacher and lovingly supervise the kids. No weekly prep required! Contact Elyse K or Missy M if interested.

  • We also need additional security during Children's Ministry time. Contact Pat G if interested.

  • There will be a Small Group Sunday on Sunday, September 12th to highlight all of our small groups. Anyone interested in leading or hosting a small group can contact Pastor Mike.

  • A Men's Bible Study is held on Thursdays at 6:00am in the Worship Center. "Discovering the Bible" by Gordon Addington is being used. Contact Bill H or Rollie S with any questions.

  • Two Women's Bible Studies will begin the week of September 13th. Both will be 10 sessions of "God of Creation - A Study of Genesis 1-11" by Jen Wilkin. A morning group will meet Thursdays 8:30-10:15 in the Worship Center. An evening group will be meeting Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 in the home of Kelli F. Books will cost $16 with checks to be made out to HEFC. Please sign up by September 3rd via text or email to Patti K.

  • There will be a Women's Night Out on Tuesday September 14th. Come at 7:00 pm for a campfire at the home of Lynn A. Bring your own chair and invite a friend! Call Lynn if you have any questions.

  • Interested in becoming a member of HEFC? Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office or Pastor Mike.

  • A HEFC directory update has been printed and can be found in your mail folder in the foyer of the Worship Center! If you do not have a folder and would like one, please contact the church office.

  • Copies of the September/October/November Our Daily Bread devotional are now available in the Worship Center foyer and the church office.

August 22nd 2021 Announcements

  • Beginning September 5th we will be offering Children's Ministry every Sunday! For the summer, it is still on an every other Sunday basis. The final summer Sunday for Children's Ministry is August 22nd.

  • A Men's Bible Study is held on Thursdays at 6:00am in the Worship Center. "Discovering the Bible" by Gordon Addington is being used. Contact Bill H or Rollie S with any questions.

  • Two Women's Bible Studies will begin the week of September 12th. Both will be 10 sessions of "God of Creation - A Study of Genesis 1-11" by Jen Wilkin. A morning group will meet Thursdays 8:30-10:15 in the Worship Center. An evening group will be meeting Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 in the home of Kelli F. Books will cost $16 with checks to be made out to HEFC. Please sign up by September 3rd via text or email to Patti K.

  • There will be a Small Group Sunday on Sunday, September 12th to highlight all of our small groups. Anyone interested in leading or hosting a small group can contact Pastor Mike.

  • A HEFC directory update has been printed and can be found in your mail folder in the foyer of the Worship Center!

  • Interested in becoming a member of HEFC? Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office.